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Birth Pangs of a Nation: video

The Bangladeshi War of Liberation, like all other wars, has a contested history. The number killed, the number raped, the number displaced, are all figures that change depending upon who tells the story.
But in our attempt to be on the ?right side? of history, we often forget those who ended up on the wrong side. Those who have gone, those who were permanently scarred, mentally, physically, socially, don?t really care about our statistics. The eyes that stare into empty space, knowing not what they are searching, the frail legs, numbed by fatigue, drained by exhaustion, yet willed on by desperation, the wrinkled hands, seeking a familiar touch, a momentary shelter, longing for rest, do not care about the realpolitik of posturing superpowers.

Published in1971BangladeshColonialismcultureDemocracyElectionsFilmGenocideGovernanceKillingsMilitaryOccupationPhotographyPhotojournalismPhotojournalism issuespoliticsShahidul AlamSouth Asia

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