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US $ 40,000 in Epson Pano Awards in photography


Record Prize Pool in excess of US$40,000!
Including more cash on offer with a total of US$8000…
and new prizes for fourth placing in each category, plus a fifth place in VR/360!
Click?here?to enter now!
The 2013 competition is now open for all professional and amateur photographers with a record combined prize pool in excess of US $40,000 in cash and prizes! Prizes include an?Epson?Stylus Pro 7900 printer, an?EpsonStylus Pro 4900 printer, and an?Epson?EB-1775 Ultra-slim Projector!
Open Awards
The Open category is open to professional, non-professional/amateur and student photographers.


Nature (including landscapes)
The Built Environment (including architecture)?

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Amateur Awards
The Amateur category is open to non-professional and student photographers only.


Nature (including landscapes)
The Built Environment (including architecture)

Enter Now

VR/360 Awards
The VR/360 category is open to professional, non-professional/amateur and student photographers.



Enter Now

Please always check the entry rules before entering any contest.?

Published inArtsculturePhotography

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