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The Making of PAPA

Book launch

V2_ is pleased to host the book launch of ?The Making of PAPA? – Participating Artists Press Agency, by Lino Hellings. With live demonstration by the editors: Hans Aarsman, Lino Hellings and Nienke Terpsma.

Book launch: The Making of PAPA
A few years ago Lino Hellings, artist and sociologist, set out into the world with the idea of establishing an international artists? press agency with a loosely affiliated network of photographers. PAPA ? participating artists? press agency ? is the result. The News PAPA gathers is about how people cope in life. How do you do that?
The editors (Hans Aarsman, Lino Hellings, and Nienke Terpsma) and V2_ invite you for the book presentation of The Making of PAPA. The book combines a DIY manual, an introduction to the cities in which PAPA has operated so far, visual essays by a mix of photographers and a text on the bottom-up creation of PAPA, and its first adventures.
Hans Aarsman, Lino Hellings and Nienke Terpsma will give some live demonstrations on ?How do you do that??.
At the launch you can buy the book at a reduced price of ? 25,-

The Making of PAPA

By Lino Hellings
Editors: Hans Aarsman, Nienke Terpsma, Lino Hellings.
Book design: Nienke Terpsma
Text editing (Dutch): Rob van Maanen
Translation: Gerard Forde
Lithography: Sebastiaan Hanekroot for Colour & Books
ISBN 978 94 6083 066 2
Post editions Rotterdam/the Netherlands
Drik Dhaka/Bangladesh
Price ? 30.00 (at the launch ? 25.00)
Paperback / 364 p /17 x 24 cm
The book contains 250 photographs taken by 35 photographers from 6 countries: Bangladesh/Dhaka: Shahidul Alam. Brazil/S?o Paulo: Z? Barretta, Luciana Camargo, Ines Correa, Felipe Denuzzo, Marcelo Ferrelli, Giovana Pasquini, Sylvia Sanchez. Kyrgyzstan/Bishkek: Elena Chigibaeva, Nargiz Chynalieva, Nellya Dzhamanbaeva, Samat Mambetshaev, Tatyana Mihnevich, Angelina Mokh, Meka Murato, Raisat Musaeva, Anastasia Slastnikova, Sapargul Turdubekova, Tatyana Zelenskaja. The Netherlands/The Hague+Rotterdam: Erika Blikman, Maurice Bogaert, Robin van ?t Haar, Rob van Maanen, Nies Medema, Martijn Nieuwenhuis. Nigeria/Lagos: Andrew Esiebo, Toye Gbade, Eremina Jumbo, Zemaye Okediji, Tuoyo Omagba, Adolphus Opara, Israel Ophori, Folarin Shasanya. USA/Detroit:Marcin Szczepanski and all cities Lino Hellings.
Made possible with the generous support of Hivos and the Mondriaan Foundation.

About PAPA

PAPA ? participating artists? press agency, has a different structure, a different motivation and a different set of rules than existing press agencies, and therefore generates a very different kind of news compared to what we are familiar with.
For most people news equals reports of disasters, wars, revolutions and economic recession. Reporters from all over the world fly to the scene of the disaster to report it to their audience back home.
Then there is the background to this sort of news, reported by journalists who devote themselves for a long period to a single subject, sometimes in their own country, but most often a long way from home.
PAPA focuses on a very different layer of news. PAPA is interested in how people all over the world, in every conceivable set of circumstances, fall in love, make themselves up, pose, get a hernia, express their opinions, sleep, educate themselves, entertain each other, and find a source of income. This news can be found on the street by venturing out with your camera.
PAPA gathers this kind of news together with photographers all over the world, documenting events in their own countries.


22 September at 5 pm
Book presentation and signing The making of PAPA
Unseen Photo Fair / Offprint
Westergasfabriek Machine gebouw
Pazzanistraat 8
1014 DB Amsterdam

Published inBangladeshcultureEducationPhotographyPhotojournalismShahidul Alam

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