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Police arrest 50 members of Oil and Gas Protection Committee


Professor Anu Muhammad in police van. Photo: Bangladesh First

July 3rd 2011. 7:50 am.

In an exclusive interview with ShahidulNews, secretary of the National Committee to Protect Oil-Gas-Minerals-Power-Ports, Anu Muhammad, professor of economics of Jahangirnagar University, speaking outside the Communist Party of Bangladesh office in New Paltan in Dhaka, talked of over 50 activists having been arrested by the police in the early hours of the hartal.

Police barred the oil-gas activists coming out to the street in Paltan. July 3rd 2011. ??Wahid Adnan/DrikNews

The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) picked up Professor Anu Muhammad, the member secretary of National Committee to Protect Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, Power and Ports in front of CPB office today moring during the 6 hour hartal called by the committee. July 3rd 2011. ??Wahid Adnan/DrikNews

After detention for almost one hour in Ramna Police Station, police released and dropped him in the CPB office. July 3rd 2011. ??Wahid Adnan/DrikNews

Professor Muhammad was amongst those arrested but was later released. Other activists who remain arrested include active member of the committee Zonayed Saki and Saiful Huq a leading member of Biplobi Workers Party.
They were arrested this morning as they were heading towards their office. The professor spoke of the police having used force and numerous activists being beaten up.
Sunday’s hartal was called on the 18th January in protest against the controversial government treaty (PSC) with the American power giant ConocoPhillips. Activists maintain the contract, which has not yet been made public, only allows Bangladesh to have 20 per cent of the explored gas from Bay of Bengal, allowing the company to export the remaining 80 per cent.

Eyewitness report from Nasrin Siraj:

Anu Muhammad, professor of economics of Jahangirnagar University and member secretary of National Committee to??protect oil-gas-mineral resources, power and port is arrested from Paltan today (3 July) at 6:53 a.m.. While he was walking towards the office of Communist Party of Bangladesh to join the other activists of National Committee for strike campaign, at least 40 anti riot police came forward, grabbed him and took him away in a prisoner?s van. During the arrest he was silent. Anha F Khan, Mehedi Hassan and I were accompanying him today morning while he was walking from his residence. Mehedi Hasan was also arrested.
Today, from the very morning police started arresting activists of the National Committee. First, at 5:45 a.m leader of Student Union of Jahangirnagar University was arrested from Paltan. All the central offices of left political parties in Topkhana Road and Paltan were surrounded by police from the early morning. Almost all the central leaders of the National Committee are under police custody now.

Breaking News: Nasrin Siraj has since been arrested.

Video Clip from Shomoy TV

Earlier interviews with Anu Muhammad

Update at 9:30 pm July 3 2011.

Professor Anu Muhammad, speaking from Paltan Thana (Police Station) in Motijheel reported that except for a handful of activists, the rest of the people arrested were still in the police station. “The government is trying to lump our activists with the Islamic Movement to confuse the issue and divert attention from their controversial signing of the ‘sell-out’ contract.”

News update: 10: 10 pm July 3rd 2011.

All arrested activists at Paltan Thana have been released. Paltan had the highest concentration of high profile activists, including Mushrefa Mishu, Saiful Huq, Zonayed Saki and Ruhin Hussain Prince and a large number of women activists. Nasrin Siraj Annie had been earlier released at 7:30 pm.
Activists at Shahbagh Thana and Lalbagh Thana are yet to be released. A large number of respected citizens, as well as MPs of the ruling party campaigned for the release of the activists. Barister Sara Hossain and other lawyers were also present at Paltan Thana and demanded the release of the activists.
Except for one activist, all other activists from Shahbagh and Lalbagh Thana were also released by 10:30 pm. Jubilant crowds clapped as the leaders of the protest rally were released.

Published inBangladeshEnergyGaspoliticsResistance


  1. Rumana Hashem Rumana Hashem

    Shame on this government who fails to ensure the nominal security of citizens but serves the multinational company!

  2. Bokhtiar Ahmed Bokhtiar Ahmed

    Early hour arrests mean an early hour moral defeat of the Conoco-Philips mining lobbey and its cohorts in our government. SHAME on THEM !!!!

  3. […] Today?s half day long strike called by National Committee to Protect Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, Power and Ports (NCPOGMR), a left-leaning citizens? group, had disrupted the daily life of the capital Dhaka as?most shops, businesses and schools were closed and very few vehicles were on the roads. Police had beaten many protesters mercilessly and arrested them en-mass. Renowned photo journalist and blogger?Shahidul Alam updated the situation whole day (accompanied with pictures)?in his blog: […]

  4. […] Mponin'ny aterineto maro tao Bangladesh no nitroatran-katezerana satria sambany teto amin'ny firenena no nisy bilaogera sy maf?na fo voasambotra niaraka tamin'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana raha iny ry zareo nanao hetsi-panoherana? iny indrindra hanoherany ny Fifanarahana Fizar?na ny Famokarana Angovo na Production Sharing Contract (PSC) teo amin'ilay orinasa goavana amerikana mpamokatra angovo ConocoPhillips sy ny governemanta ao Bangladesh mikasika ny fitrandrahana ireo entona any an-dranomasina any. Raikitra ny fifandonana teo amin'ny polisy sy ny mpanao hetsi-panoherana nandritra ny ilay fitokonana 6 ora nanentanan'ny Komitim-pirenena ho Fiarovana ny Solika, ny Entona ary ny Harena an-kibon'ny tany, ny herinaratra ary ny Seranana manohitra nila Fifanarahana fiaraha-mitrandraka entona anaty ranomasina eo amin'ny governemanta sy ny ConocoPhillips. Sary avy amin'i Suvra Kanti Das. Fizak?-manana Demotix. 3 Jolay 2011.Ny fitokonana tapak'andro androany nentanin'ny? Komitim-pirenena ho Fiarovana? ny Solika, ny Entona ary ny Harena an-kibon'ny tany, ny herinaratra ary ny Seranana [National Committee to Protect Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, Power and Ports (NCPOGMR)], vondron'olona iray ahit?na mpikambana avy amin'ny elatra ankavia, dia nanelingelina ny fiainan'i Dhaka renivohitra satria ny ankamaroan'ireo trano fivarotana, ny toerana fandraharah?na ary sekoly dia nikatona avokoa ary vitsy ny fiara teny an-dalambe. Nodarohan'ny polisy tsy nisy indrafo ny sasany tamin'ireo mpanao hetsi-panoherana ary tratry ny fisamborana faobe ry zareo. Ilay mpaaka sary fanao an-gazety sady bilaogera, Shahidul Alam, dia nanavao hatrany ny fitantarany nandritra iny andro iny miaraka amin? sary) tao amin'ny bilaoginy: […]

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