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Blog Competition

?Green bloggers: win a trip to Brazil to cover World Environment Day 2012, on June 5!?

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), in partnership with?TreeHugger, is yet again sponsoring a free trip to Brazil for a winning blogger to write, blog and tweet aboutWorld Environment Day.
Bloggers are invited to enter competition via online submissions of blog articles on the Green Economy. The top ten bloggers, selected by a UNEP-TreeHugger?jury, will be invited to a second round of blogging ? blogdown!
The winner of this online showdown (blogdown) will be determined by an online community via the World Environment Day website. Readers will ?like? any of the posts in order to win an extra vote for their favourite blogger.
The blogger who accumulates the most votes by the end of April 2012 wins the competition and will be invited to blog about World Environment Day in Brazil.

What?s included?

Flights, accommodation, visa costs and travel within Brazil to WED events will be covered.


World Environment Day is on June 5th, 2012. The contest winner will be flown to Brazil for about three days, beginning June 3rd and ending June 6th 2012. Short-listed and winning posts will be published on?TreeHugger?and the World Environment Day websites.


Entrants will be expected to ensure they are able to travel to Brazil for the duration and cover any other costs (e.g. vaccinations).

Published inenvironmentGlobal IssuesNew MediaPhotographyPhotojournalism

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