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Panduka de Silva selected for Fujifilm Global site

The following is a mail from our friend and Majority World photographer Panduka de Silva.

Congratulations Panduka.

ps:? will give you a better overview of Panduka’s work.

EXIF data: X-Pro1 XF60mmF2.4 R Macro F8 1/320 ISO400 There was this ?eternal lamp? an ornate lamp of brass, protected in a structure of its own and devotees use coconut oil to keep the flames lighted perpetually. These two, attired in white and engaged in an animated conversation, bathed in direct sunlight was a challenge to any camera ? exposure wise. The capture was made un-obtrusively by smoothly compensating to a EV -1 value.

Dear Family, friends and colleagues,
The president & CEO Shigetaka Komori, on 20th June launched the X-Photographers on line gallery show casing the work of 48 photographers from 12 countries who have been privy to the use of the Fujifilm X series cameras the X10, X-S1 and theX-Pro1.
A collection of my photographs captured with the X-Pro1, have been selected for the Fujifilm Global site, which I assume is not only an honor to me but to Sri Lanka as well.
The premium Fujifilm X-Pro1; a virtually inconspicuous camera with the trio of lenses; 18mm f2; 35mm f1.4 and the 60mm f2.4 Macro, is a machine that I have fallen in love with for its? sheer splendor, craftsmanship, handling, the retro feel and mostly for the outstanding images that it produces.
Do please visit the site at leisure?..
? and best of wishes to all!!!
Past President – Institute of Sri Lankan Photographers
Former Creative Director / Liaison – World Press Photo Foundation
Council Member / Academic Director – Photographic Society of Sri Lanka
Visiting Lecturer – University of Colombo
Member – Photographic Society of Singapore

Published inculturePhotographySouth Asia

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