The Imperial Mind

American rage at Pakistan over the punishment of a CIA-cooperating Pakistani doctor is quite revealing

SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2012 05:53 PM BDT
Americans of all types ? are just livid that a Pakistani tribal court (reportedly in consultation with Pakistani officials) has?imposed?a 33-year prison sentence on Shakil Afridi, the Pakistani physician who secretly worked with the CIA to find Osama bin Laden on Pakistani soil. Their fury tracks the standard American media narrative: by punishing Dr. Afridi for the ?crime? of helping the U.S. find bin Laden, Pakistan has revealed that it sympathizes with Al Qaeda and is hostile to the U.S. (NPR headline: ?33 Years In Prison For Pakistani Doctor Who Aided Hunt For Bin Laden?;?NYT?headline: ?Prison Term for Helping C.I.A. Find Bin Laden?). Except that?s a woefully incomplete narrative: incomplete to the point of being quite misleading.

What Dr. Afridi actually did was concoct a pretextual vaccination program, whereby Pakistani children would be injected with a single Hepatitis B vaccine, with the hope of gaining access to the Abbottabad house where the?CIA believed bin Laden was located. The plan was that, under the ruse of vaccinating the children in that province, he would obtain DNA samples that could confirm the presence in the suspected house of the bin Laden family. But the vaccine program he was administering was fake: as?Wired?s public health reporter Maryn McKenna?detailed, ?since only one of three doses was delivered,?the vaccination was effectively useless.? An on-the-ground?Guardian?investigation?documented?that??while the vaccine doses themselves were genuine, the medical professionals involved were not following procedures. In an area called Nawa Sher,?they did not return a month after the first dose to provide the required second batch. Instead, according to local officials and residents, the team moved on.?
That means that numerous Pakistani children who thought they were being vaccinated against Hepatitis B were in fact left exposed to the virus. Worse, international health workers have long faced serious problems in many parts of the world ? including remote Muslim areas ? in convincing people that the vaccines they want to give to their children are genuine rather than Western plots to harm them. These suspicions have prevented the eradication of polio and the containment of other preventable diseases in many areas, including in parts of Pakistan. This?fauxCIA vaccination program will, for obvious and entirely foreseeable reasons, significantly exacerbate that problem.
As McKenna?wrote this week, this fake CIA vaccination program was ?a cynical attempt to hijack the credibility that public health workers have built up over decades with local populations??and thus ?endangered the status of the fraught polio-eradication campaign, which over the past decade has been challenged in majority-Muslim areas in Africa and South Asia over beliefs that polio vaccination is actually a covert campaign to harm Muslim children.? She further notes that while this suspicion ?seems fantastic? to oh-so-sophisticated Western ears ??what kind of primitive people would harbor suspicions about Western vaccine programs????there are actually ?perfectly?good reasons to distrust?vaccination campaigns? from the West?(in 1996, for instance,?11 children died?in Nigeria when Pfizer, ostensibly to combat a meningitis outbreak, conducted drug trials ? experiments ? on Nigerian children that did not comport with binding safety standards in the U.S.).
When this fake CIA vaccination program was revealed last year, Doctors Without Borders?harshly denounced?the CIA and Dr. Afridi for their ?grave manipulation of the medical act? that will cause ?vulnerable communities ? anywhere ? needing access to essential health services [to] understandably question the true motivation of medical workers and humanitarian aid.? The group?s President pointed out the obvious: ?The potential consequence is that even basic healthcare, including vaccination, does not reach those who need it most.? That is?now clearly happening, as the CIA program ?is casting its shadow over campaigns to vaccinate Pakistanis against polio.? Gulrez Khan, a Peshawar-based anti-polio worker,?recently said?that tribesman in the area now consider public health workers to be CIA agents and are more reluctant than ever to accept vaccines and other treatments for their children.
For the moment, leave to the side the question of whether knowingly administering ineffective vaccines to Pakistani children is a justified ruse to find bin Laden (just by the way, it didn?t work, as none of the health workers actually were able to access the bin Laden house, though CIA officials claim the program did help obtain other useful information). In light of all the righteous American outrage over this prison sentence, let?s consider what the U.S. Government would do if the situation were reversed: namely, if an American citizen secretly cooperated with a foreign intelligence service to conduct clandestine operations on U.S. soil, all without the knowledge or consent of the U.S. Government, and let?s further consider what would happen if the American citizen?s role in those operations involved administering a fake vaccine program to unwitting American children. Might any serious punishment ensue? Does anyone view that as anything more than an obvious rhetorical question?
There are numerous examples that make the point. As?ad AbuKhalil?poses this one: ?Imagine if China were to hire an American physician who would innocently inject unsuspecting Americans with a chemical to obtain information for China. ?I am sure that his prison term would be even longer.? Or what if an American doctor of Iranian descent had done this on behalf of the Quds Force, in order to find a member of the designated Iranian Terror group MeK who was living in the United States (one who, say, has been working with Israel to help?assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists?and wound their wives, or one who was?trained by the U.S.), after which Iranian agents invaded his American home, pumped bullets in his skull and shot a few others (his wife and a child) and then dumped his corpse into the Atlantic Ocean? Or take the?case of Orlando Bosch, the CIA-backed anti-Cuban Terrorist long harbored by the U.S.; suppose a Cuban-American doctor sympathetic to Castro had injected American children as part of a fake vaccination program in order to help Cuba find and kill Bosch on U.S. soil; he?d be lucky to get 33 years in prison.
In fact, the U.S. Government tries to impose the harshest possible sentences on Americans who do far less than Dr. Afridi did in Pakistan. The Obama administration?charged?former NSA official Thomas Drake with?espionage?and tried to imprison him fordecades?merely because he exposed serious waste, corruption and illegality in surveillance programs ? without the slightest indication of any harm to national security. Right now, they?recharging?Bradley Manning with ?aiding the enemy? ? Al Qaeda ? and attempting to impose life imprisonment on the 23-year-old Army Private, merely because he leaked information to the world showing?serious war crimes and other government deceit?(something?The New York Times?does frequently)?which nobody suggests was done in collaboration with or even with any intent to help Al Qaeda or any other foreign entity. Given all that, just imagine how harshly they?d try to punish an American who secretly collaborated with a foreign intelligence service ? who created a fake vaccine program for American kids ? to enable secret military action on U.S. soil without their knowledge.
But of course none of these comparisons is equivalent. It?s all different when it?s done to America rather than by America. That?s the great prize for being the world?s imperial power: the rules you impose on others don?t bind you at all. I?m quite certain that none of the people voicing such intense rage over Pakistan?s punishment of Dr. Afridi would voice anything similar if the situation were reversed in any of the ways I?ve just outlined. Can you even imagine any of them saying something like:?yes, this American doctor injected American kids with ruse vaccines in order to help the intelligence service of Iran/Pakistan/China/Cuba conduct clandestine operations on U.S. soil without the knowledge of the U.S. Government, but I think that?s justified and he shouldn?t be punished.
If you read or watch any accounts of life in the Roman empire, what you will frequently witness is someone being severely punished for an act against a?Roman citizen. That was the most severe crime and the one most harshly punished: one could do any manner of bad things to non-citizens, but not so much as raise a hand to a?Roman citizen.
Watch how often that formulation is used in our political discourse:?he tried to kill?Americans, people will emphasize when justifying?all sorts of U.S. government actions. In other words, there are ordinary, pedestrian crimes (like?this one, from today: ?An American drone fired two missiles at a bakery in northwest Pakistan Saturday and killed four suspected militants, officials said, as the U.S. pushed on with its drone campaign despite Pakistani demands to stop. This was the third such strike in the country in less than a week?). But then there is the supreme crime:?he tried to kill?Americans!?It?d be one thing if this outrage were honestly expressed as self-interest (we give massive aid to Pakistan so they should do our bidding), but instead, it is, as usual, couched in moral terms.
That is the imperial mind at work. Its premises are often embraced implicitly rather than knowingly: American lives are inherently more valuable; foreign lives are expendable in pursuit of American interests; the U.S. has the inalienable right to take action in other countries that nobody is allowed to take in the U.S. (just imagine: ?An Iranian drone fired two missiles at a bakery in the northwest U.S. Saturday and killed four suspected militants, Iranian officials said, as Iran pushed on with its drone campaign despite American demands to stop. This was the third such strike in the country in less than a week??or??Thirty five women and children were killed by a Yemeni cruise missile armed with cluster bombs which struck an alleged Marine training camp in Texas?).
These self-venerating imperial prerogatives are the premises driving the vast bulk of American foreign policy and military discourse. It is certainly what?s driving the spectacle of so many people pretending that the punishment of Dr. Afridi is some sort of aberrational act which the U.S. and other Decent, Civilized Countries would never do.
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Two related points:
(1)?NPR?emphasizes?what appear to be the genuine due process deficiencies in the punishment imposed on Dr. Afridi, though he certainly is receiving more due process than those informally and secretly accused of Treason by the U.S. Government and given the Anwar Awlaki treatment, or accused of Terrorism and targeted with a U.S. drone or locked for a decade or so in a cage without charges of any kind.
(2)?Zaid Jilani, formerly of Think Progress,?asks?a really good question about the?Hollywood Election Year film?depicting the bin Laden raid being produced by Sony Pictures with the help of the Obama administration: ?Will the movie feature Pakistani kids tricked into getting fake vaccines? Probably not.? If the film does mention this, I?d bet it will be to marvel at and celebrate the James-Bond-like ingenuity of the CIA.

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