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Visual Antifoto Manifesto, a project by Kajta Stuke and Oliver Sieber
Visual Antifoto Manifesto, a project by Kajta Stuke and Oliver Sieber

The unstoppable photographer-couple Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber invite us to contribute photographs to the?Antifoto-Archive.
Here are the instructions:
?Each image should deal with the idea of?ANTIFOTO,?what you think?ANTIFOTO?should? be about and the attitude of a?Visual Manifesto.
You are free to upload as many images as you like.
But you have to agree to us using the images for an event ? which will be held in cooperation with Markus Schaden ? at the Photoweekend in D?sseldorf in February 2013: On this weekend all images from this blog will be printed, presented? to the audience. They can edit their own?Visual Manifesto?which will be copied and stapled at that weekend.
How it works:
? Send an email to boehm [at] boehmkobayashi [.] de and we will create a guest account for you.
? Please upload your files as a .jpg in a printable size of about 15 x 10 cm with 300 dpi
? Only post images ? regarding the?Visual?ANTIFOTO?Manifesto?? no text or headline.
? Click ?Use as featured image? so the image appears on the front page of the blog with all the other images.
If you need help, download?this manual, please.
The?Visual Antifoto Manifesto?is a project by Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber.
The final event during the Photoweekend in D?sseldorf will be developed in cooperation with Markus Schaden at the Jacobihaus/K?nstlerverein Malkasten.?

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