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Shahidul Alam by John G Morris in "La lettre de la photographie"

Friday 29th June 2012 La Lettre de la


Cows grazing, Nijhum Dweep, Bangladesh, 2009 ? Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority World

I regard?My Journey as a Witness?by?Shahidul Alam?as the most remarkable book by a single photographer since a messenger brought me a first copy of The Decisive Moment by Henri Cartier-Bresson in 1952. It is not that the two books should be compared, although they are approximately the same weight.

If Shahidul’s book becomes as influential as has Cartier-Bresson’s, it will be for an entirely different reason. For me The Decisive Moment was the book that first articulated the philosophy of photojournalism. It was also notable in that it gave equal play to photographs of East and West. Its images have stood the test of time.
My Journey as a Witness is entirely different. It is an angry book, deliberately provocative. It too has many beautiful, meaningful images, but it is a book that must be read. It is a book that will break your heart.
Shahidul Alam was educated in the West, but he is a man of the East. As a teenager he witnessed the war that gave birth to his country, Bangladesh, in 1971. This book is a kind of diary of his career, which began briefly in London but now embraces the world.
His passion is to show ordinary people as they truly live and work, not as they are seen by what he calls the “dominant cultures” of the West.
Alam thinks most people in the world are being short-changed. He thinks photojournalists can do something about that. To assist them he has created an agency called Drik (Vision) in Bangladesh; a website,; and a brand, He also founded Pathshala, the first South Asian school of photography, which sponsors biennial international meetings, ? la Perpignan.
Alam’s ambition is not only to transform photography but to transform the world. He passionately argues for true world government, government by the majority of all peoples, not just dominance of the superpowers
I happen to agree with much if not most of what he says. Read the book and decide for yourself.
John G. Morris:?Journalist?John Godfrey Morris?(1916) has spent a lifetime editing photographs for magazines and newspapers, working with hundreds of photographers, among them the great names of 20th century photography.[1]
My Journey as a Witness – Shahidul Alam
Publisher: Skira
Edited by Rosa Maria Falvo
Introduction by Sebasti?o Salgado
and Preface by Raghu Rai
Hardcover – 224 pages
ISBN-13: 978-8857209661
Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 1 x 11.3 inches
Published inBangladeshculturePhotographyPhotojournalismShahidul Alam


  1. runi khan runi khan

    Thanks for sharing this amazing review by an amazing man on an amazing book by an amazing person. -? ‘Congratulations’ once again.

  2. Dr.Q.N.Karim Dr.Q.N.Karim

    Well done my dear brother Zahed, I am proud of you beyond words, as will Abba and Amma be from heaven. Wish you every success,

  3. Great! Wonderful! Excellent!
    We are very proud of you Shahidul.
    Regarding new ideas, I feel the word, ‘Government’ should not be there, it follows the Monarchy or Dictatorship which we wanted to come out from. I suggest the word, ‘Facilitator’. There are articles regarding a possible new system of state in my website. You are welcome to visit this site and write your comments.

  4. […] Review of My journey as a witness by John G Morris Kathmandu International Arts Festival Novembeer 25 – December 21 ARTISTSVISIT USTHEMEEDUCATION […]

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