Haru, Galaxi M82 and a Hyper Drive

By Sarker Protick

It was midnight. I find myself walking in the street alone. Suddenly someone called me by my name. I look back. There was this guy. He was not moving or coming any closer.?Just standing there. As if he was there for eternity. It was dark; couldn?t?see his face clearly. I shouted who is this??? He replied, Protick, don?t you recognize me? I said no. who are you? He replied: This is Haru.
I was surprised. So you are Haru! I know you?I read your stories. Saw you on the moon few weeks back. What are you doing here in the middle of the night? He said, I was passing by, just came by to say hello to you. I asked, where will you go now? Haru replied, I am off to the M82 Galaxy, also known as the Cigar Galaxi. Just to see how it is. I said, Ok.. See you again!
Here is a photo of Haru taking a Hyper drive.

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