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Hana Jheel

The security concerns in Quetta make it difficult for a foreigner to get about. Wearing Shalwar Kameez (had no idea so much cloth went into these garments) and having a beard helped. At least I made it outside of Quetta, if only to a tourist spot. Nothing as exciting as the Bazkhoshi event I went to yesterday,

The large influx of refugees in Quetta in Pakistan (some of whom have been in the country for thirty years but still have not received Pakistani nationality) has brought about many changes. Buzkhashi, the national sport of Afghanistan is now a popular pastime in Quetta. 24th February. Quetta. Pakisatan.?Photo: ???Shahidul Alam/Drik

but hey, if your client needs a pretty picture and things are difficult, a lake at sunset will do nicely, thank you!
Hana Jheel, a lake in the outskirts of Quetta. Pakistan. 25th February 2012. Photo: ???Shahidul Alam/Drik

The garbage dump was apparently in the vicinity of an army camp. So my picture taking suddenly became a security concern. This time I was the peacemaker as the solder was picking on one of my minders. Having reduced testosterone levels, we went off to our next location, Quetta’s shoot up alley.
So driving out to see the clay mountains in Bostan was a welcome treat. An approaching sandstorm made it necessary to beat a hasty retreat. The blistering wind didn’t help. Careful watching the video if you have vertigo!

Published inPhotographyPhotojournalismShahidul Alam

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