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Ga?l Turine at Chobi Mela

Photo by Ga?l Turine
Photo by Ga?l Turine
Ga?l Turine
Ga?l Turine

Ga?l Turine ? Workshop Design Your Project
7 ? 10 February,

Ga?l Turine?s?VOODOO ? The Journey of an African Pantheon?will be on view 25 January ? 7 February at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

Belgian photographer?Ga?l Turine?started to work on voodoo rituals in 2005, wrapping up the project in August 2010 after receiving the Golden Clover award to continue the project in 2006. The series was published as the book?Voodoo?in January 2011. About the series Turine says, “I wanted to be ?on their side? so to say, not like a press photographer looking for the most impressive pictures to get a double spread, which is the usual kinds of images we can see on Voodoo. I wanted to show the largest range of faces of Voodoo.”

Turine is the author of several monographic works, including?Blindly, a story on the cooperatives for the blind in West Africa. In 2004, after his many journeys in Afghanistan, the book?Being 20 in Kabul?was published.?His?long-running work with the child cancer specialist Eric Sariban led?to the publication of the book?Today is tomorrow?in 2009.

Visit Ga?l Turine?s website:?

Published inArtsBangladeshChobi Mela VIIcultureDrik and its initiativesPathshalaPhotographyPhotojournalismSouth Asia

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