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CALL FOR PARTICIPATION is a participatory web project proposing an intercultural dialogue through artistic responses.

People around the world are invited to produce audio-visual creations inspired by the Diwan poetry of Persian poet Hafez and German writer Goethe and send their own creative interpretations. is an artwork authored by everyone.
You can become part of, an interactive audio-visual poetry bundle, by sending your own artistic response. Based on the Surrealist principle of artistic response, this site is thus an ever-growing project that will expand creation after creation.
As soon as your creation is uploaded, your interpretation will be part of this audio-visual intercultural dialogue;your name and website will be featured together with already participating internationally reknowned artists.
Becoming part of is easy:
You can let yourself be inspired by one of the poems of Hafez and Goethe and take it as point of departure for a new creation or you can download an already existing creation from the site and let it inspire you in making your own creation as an artistic response.
You can then submit your creation through the PARTICIPATE button, found in the ‘EXPLORE’ and‘DIALOGUE’ pages on the website.
We are looking forward to your creation, and meanwhile invite you to explore and discover the diwans.orguniverse, which reflects in a poetic mode a creative dialogue between different cultures.
For questions: Please don’t hesitate to contact us on:
A project initiated by Marc Colpaert and Laurent Van Lancker
Artistic Co-direction : Susanne Weck // Production : Polymorfilms (Mieke De Wulf) // Web programming and design : La Villa Hermosa // Assistance : Stijn Van Asch en Wim De Winter is funded by the Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF) / F?d?ration Wallonie Bruxelles (FWB) / Flemish Literature Fund (VFL) / Katharina Mommsen // supporting partners : Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, BOZAR Music, BOZAR Cinema.

Please Retweet #poetry #art #music #literature #Goethe #Hafez #Persian #German

Published inArtscultureFilmMusicPhotography

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