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Europe’s unification, a prelude to?global government

By rahnuma ahmed

The initiative of linking ‘governments and economies in Europe and North America amid the Cold War’ ? characterised as ‘an Aristocracy of purpose’ by Hatton in The Rape of the Constitution ? which brought together members of the ruling elite from either side of the Atlantic to Bilderberg meetings, was racial.
‘This conference wishes to explore a number of issues of great importance for Western civilization and is intended to stimulate mutual understanding and goodwill through a free exchange of views,’ said the invitation with a letterhead from the Soestdijk Palace. Signed by the Prince Consort of the Netherlands, Bernard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld, it requested invitees to attend the first-ever Bilderberg meeting (‘an informal International Conference’) to be held in Oosterbeek, Netherlands from May 29 to 31, 1954. Seventy personalities from 12 countries (11 west European ones, and the US) obliged.
As Thiery Meyssan rightly points out (Voltaire Network, May 9, 2011), it was the Cold War which determined that the issues of great importance for Western civilization ‘revolved around the struggles for communism’, but a distinct racial element, intertwined with Europe’s colonial powers and privileges (‘the white man’s burden’) was present. A sense of loss (of the white man’s purpose?) is palpable in the writings of Joseph Retinger, one of Bilderberg’s European founders, as he witnesses Europe’s colonies slip away around the mid-20th century: ‘The end of the period during which the white man spread his activities over the whole globe saw the Continent itself undergoing a process of internal disruption… there are no big powers left in continental Europe…? [whose] inhabitants after all, represent the most valuable human element in the world’ (The European Continent 1946).
Political independence and freedom for Asians and Africans was apparently ‘disruptive’ for European colonisers, who, in Retinger’s view, were infinitely more ‘valuable’ than the lesser humans who overthrew their rule.
European power needed to be re-created in a world where political de-colonisation had begun, where the white man’s rule was ending. To re-fashion ‘big power’ status — the white man’s ‘purpose’ –? it was necessary to integrate Europe. Nationalism stood in the way, admitted as much by Prince Bernhard, ‘It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national body.’ European politicians had ‘failed’ in integrating Europe, said Fiat (Italian)’s head Giovanni Agnelli, adding assertively, ‘we, the old world elite intend to succeed’.
Leadership in this project was provided by sections of the wealthy and powerful elite of the New World (for that is how America was referred to after Columbus’ conquest). The nature of the project was further fleshed out by David Rockefeller, prominent in forming the Bilderberg Group on the American side, who argued at its June 1991 meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, ‘The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers? is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.’
One of the main goals of the Bilderberg Group was to unify Europe into a European Union. But before turning to that, I think it makes sense to briefly go over, recapitulate as well, how journalists and scholars who have seriously researched the Bilderberg Group, view it.
It can be best understood, says Andrew Gavin Marshall (foreign policy strategist), as an ‘international think tank aimed at constructing consensus and entrenching ideology among the elite.’ Michael Peters (sociologist) argues in favor of viewing it as a ‘power-elite network and forum’ which acts as an arena for the ‘conduct of intra-capitalist and and inter-corporate strategic debates and long-range social planning, from which wider ‘democratic’ interference is carefully excluded.’

The Bilderberg Group is one among several other bodies — the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the US, its UK sister organisation, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (simply known as the Chatham House), and the Trilateral Commission ? where different capitalist groups and different national governments discuss and debate ‘long-term planning issues’ and, especially, to ‘co-ordinat[e] strategic policy at an international level.’
Marshall and Peters’ more academic viewpoint ?is distinct from the sense of political immediacy and urgency one finds in that of journalist/activists Thierry Meyssan (Voltaire Network), and Daniel Estulin. ?The former, as I mentioned in yesterday’s column, views it as the propaganda organisation of NATO which aims to be the secret World Government thereby ‘guaranteeing the international status quo and maintaining US influence’. While Estulin argues that the Group has in effect become ‘a shadow world government.’
It has a ‘grand design’, writes Estulin in The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (2009) which he sums up as ‘A One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.’
This is accompanied by a ‘wish list’ which includes:
— ‘one international identity (observing) one set of universal values’
— centralized control of world populations by ‘mind control.’ In other words, controlling world public opinion
— a New World Order with no middle class, only ‘rulers and servants (serfs),’ and, of course, no democracy
— ‘a zero-growth society’ without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers
— manufactured crises and perpetual wars
— absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles
— ‘centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies,’ one size fits all globally
— using the United Nations as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on ‘world citizens’
— expanding NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and WTO (World Trade Organization) globally
— making NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) a world military,
— imposing a universal legal system, and
— a global ‘welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.’
(Stephen Lendman, A Review of Daniel Estulin’s Book, Global Research, June 1, 2009).
Retinger, besides being one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group, was also a ‘leading intellectual champion of European integration’. Europe, he told Chatham House, the British counterpart of the CFR, needed to create ‘a federal union’, European nations needed to ‘relinquish part of their sovereignty’ (1946). He founded the European Movement (EM) which lobbied to create ‘a federal Europe.’ The EM received financial support from the CFR, whose funds were chiefly provided by the Carnegie Corporation, Ford Foundation, and particularly, the Rockefeller Foundation.
Another ideological founder of European integration was Jean Monnet, who founded ACUE, the Action Committee for a United States of Europe, which was dedicated to ‘promoting European integration’, he was also the major promoter and first president of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC, formed in 1951), the precursor to the European Common Market (Andrew Gavin Marshall, Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the ‘High Priests of Globalization’, Global Research, June 16, 2011).
Declassified documents revealed in 2001 show that ‘the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.’ A memorandum, part of the declassified material gives instructions on building a campaign to ‘promote a fully-fledged European parliament.’ It is signed by general William Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA. An American Committee for a United Europe,? formed in 1948, was chaired by Donovan, who was then practising as a private lawyer; it’s vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, CIA director in the ’50s. The board included ex-OSS figures and officials who ‘moved in and out of the CIA’. The American CUE was ‘Washington’s main tool for shaping the European agenda’ and the US role, writes Marshall, was handled as a ‘covert operation’.
Retinger and other European Movement leaders, interestingly enough, were ‘all treated as hired hands by their American sponsors.’
In the 1955 Bilderberg conference, the main topic of discussion, as newly-released documents show, was ‘European Unity.’ Representatives of all 6 nations of the ECSC received support for the idea of ‘integration and unification’, a European participant spoke about ‘the need to achieve a common currency,’ that it would need to be preceded by ‘the creation of a central political authority’, while an American participant spoke of his ‘enthusiasm’ for the project, and another advised moving ahead with ‘less emphasis upon ideological considerations’, and more, on practical ones.
In 1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed, which created the European Economic Community (EEC), also known as the European Community. Over the following decades, various other treaties were signed, and more countries joined the EC. The Maastricht Treaty signed in 1992 created the European Union, and led to the creation of the Euro. Two years later, the European Monetary Institute was created; the European Central Bank was founded in 1998. The Euro was launched the next year. The European Constitution, renamed the Lisbon Treaty, is a move towards ‘creating a European superstate,’ an EU foreign minister, a coordinated foreign policy to go with it; it sets out the framework to ‘create an EU defence policy, as an appendage to or separate from NATO.’ The Constitution was largely written by former president of France Valery Giscard d’Estaing, a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and a close friend of Henry Kissinger.
The Treaty was passed in 2009, it created the position of President of the European Council, who ‘represents the EU on the world stage and leads the Council, which determines the political direction of the EU’. Herman Van Rompuy, former prime minister of Belgium, is the first president of the European Council. According to press reports, Van Rompuy ‘attended the Bilderberg session [in 2009] to audition for the European job.’ (Among little-known politicians who became highly successful after being presented at Bilderberg are former US presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, former British prime minister Tony Blair, to name only a few. Leaks, which were later confirmed, indicate that the Group selects the heads of the WB, the IMF, and the WTO).
Leaks of the 2011 Bilderberg meeting held in St. Moritz, Switzerland, reveals that members are ‘struggling to keep the house of glass from shattering to pieces.’

?Paul Mattsson The No2EU-Yes to Democracy electoral coalition campaigns against EU-led privatisation of public services, for workers' rights, opposes the EU constitution (repackaged as 'Lisbon Treaty'), which puts into EU law the failed doctrines of free market economics.

Some clues about their ‘struggle’ can possibly be found in a speech ?delivered by Nigel Farage, British politician, who left the Conservative Party after the Maastricht Treaty was signed, who describes himself as a ‘libertarian’, is a leader of the UK Independence Party, and currently a member of the European Parliament. Farage who has previously been condemned by British and European parliamentarians for behaviour expressing ‘disloyalty and discourtesy to the Royal family’, for ‘personally insulting’ the president of the European Council, said this at Strasbourg recently:
“Here we are on the edge of a financial and social disaster and in the room today we have the four men who are supposed to be responsible…You are all in denial. By any objective measure the euro is a failure. And who exactly is responsible, who is in charge out of all you lot? The answer is none of you because none of you have been elected; none of you have any democratic legitimacy for the roles you currently hold within this crisis.
And into this vacuum, albeit reluctantly, has stepped Angela Merkel. And we are now living in a German-dominated Europe – something that the European project was actually supposed to stop…I don’t want to live in a German-dominated Europe and nor do the citizens of Europe.
But you guys have played a role, because when Mr Papandreou got up and used the word ‘referendum’…your friends here got together like a pack of hyenas, rounded on Papandreou, had him removed and replaced by a puppet Government… And not satisfied with that, you decided that Berlusconi had to go. So he was removed and replaced by Mr Monti, a former European Commissioner, [a Bilderberger], a fellow architect of this Euro disaster and a man who wasn’t even a member of parliament… You should all be held accountable for what you’ve done. You should all be fired…And I have to say, Mr Van Rompuy. Eighteen months ago when we first met…I said you would be the quiet assassin of nation states’ democracy, but not anymore, you are rather noisy about it aren’t you. You, an unelected man, went to Italy and said, ‘This is not the time for elections but the time for actions’. What in God’s name gives you the right to say that to the Italian people’ (November 16, 2011).
Crisis, said Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former chief of the IMF (who, according to latest news, has been implicated in an alleged prostitution ring at a luxury hotel in northern France) ‘is an opportunity.’ Bilderberg analysts think that the global economic crisis is being used to ‘advance the cause of global economic governance’.
Plans were announced for ‘implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the US dollar’s role as the world reserve currency’ (April 2009 G20 Summit). Activating the ‘IMF’s power to create money’ to begin global quantitative easing implies ‘putting a de facto world currency into play’. One that is ‘outside the control of any sovereign body.’
If the Bilderberg Group represents the ‘high priests of globalisation’ then David Rockefeller is the Pope (Marshall). An allegation? not inaccurate for, Rockefeller himself wrote in his book, Memoirs, ‘Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists, and of conspiring with others around the World to build a more integrated global political and economic structure ? one world, if you will. If that?s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it’ (2002).
As the Pope and arch-bishops of globalisation grow older — David Rockefeller is now in his mid-90s, with Lord Rothschild and the alleged war criminal Henry Kissinger? not too far behind — the Bilderberg Group seems to be growing impatient and accelerating its ‘genocidal agenda.’ But the ‘global political awakening’ that Zbigniew Brzezinski warned members of his ‘superclass’ of, seems to be spreading across the world.
Hopefully, this time, the disruption to big powers will be final.
Published in New Age, Wednesday November 23, 2011

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