Arrested for practicing Sufism

Posted on Alal o Dulal September 15, 2012 by khujeci

 Friday September 07, 2012
Rajibul Islam, UNO (Union Nirbahi Officer) of Mokarrampur union, accompanied by some local people, went to the house of farmer Shahidul Islam, village Islampur, Bharamara, Kushtia. They accused Shahidul of practising ?anti-Islamic? activity. Shahidul is a disciple of Tariqat-e Ahle Bait, a branch of Sufism. He, along with other followers, had established at darbar sharif of Islamia Chistia Nizamia lineage.
Challenged by these people, Shahidul brought out religious books written by Sadaruddin Chisty and tried to explain that they are not practising anything unislamic, that they follow the teachings of  Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Holy Quran according to the tariqat. At this point the UNO grabbed the books and threw them to the ground, tied Shahidul to a tree and beat him up with his shoes. They also destroyed the darbar sharif. They broke the asana, lights, fans, and windows of the two structures that housed the darbar. They took away books, documents, tin, utensils, and other belongings of the darbar.
That evening Shahidul went to lodge a case at Bharamara police station, but M. Riaz Ali, OC (Officer in Charge), did not accept any case.

Saturday September 08, 2012
The UNO returned to the darbar accompanied by the OC. They ordered that the debris be cleaned up immediately, and threatened of further beating if it was not cleaned up. They declared Shahidul and other followers as kafir (infidel). The OC verbally abused them using profanity. Shahidul and Aslam (khadim of the darbar) explained that they are farmers and day labourers who come to the darbar at free time after work, to read and practice the teachings of the Prophet and the Quran. At this point the OC arrested Shahidul and Aslam.
Sunday September 09, 2012
Shahidul Islam and Aslam Ali were sent to court and to jail under Section 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Saturday September 15, 2012
Tarikate Ahle Bait Bangladesh called a press conference to condemn this sacrilegious act by the UNO, to demand the immediate release of Shahidul and Aslam, and to demand punishment of the attackers.

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