Professional HD Film-making with Barry Braverman

Pathshala and Drik are pleased to announce that Barry Braverman, the?acclaimed Cinematographer and HD Video Producer will be leading a 16-day?workshop from March 16th to April 6th, 2012.

A veteran director of photography and digital media consultant expert with more than thirty years experience, Barry has also worked on National Geographic specials and programmes for Discovery and the ABC. A frequent collaborator of director Wes Anderson, Braverman photographed the original TrailerforBottleRocket (1992) and contributed to other productions including TheDarjeelingLimited (2007). Braverman hosts the Video Shooter website and blog?and offers frequent camera training workshops and classes at locations throughout the U.S. and the world.
?Professional HD Film-making with Barry Braverman? welcomes both the experienced and the young in the film-making world to an intensive training on the professional processes and aspects of HD film-making. The programme will be hosted by Pathshala: South Asian Media Academy in partnership with Drik and Culturepot Global.
Over the course of this three-week workshop you will be fully immersed in the art and craft of video storytelling. Utilizing the latest Panasonic professional cameras you will explore the discipline of effective image capture, learn proper camera operation and control, and understand how to frame, compose and create compelling close ups. You will understand and apply the workshop mantra to exclude! exclude! exclude! as you explore such techniques as soft focus, three-dimensional lighting, and choice of lens focal length, to most effectively convey your intended story.
The workshop?s many exercises are designed to build confidence and enthusiasm for?developing your filmmaking skill set. Covering setups and genres from dialogue scenes to green screen, you will gain proficiency in the total process from script to screen. Storyboarding, effective pitching techniques, and overall story development, will be key components of your training, and because we are concerned with the total filmmaker the workshop will also cover the rudiments of editing with Apple Final Cut Pro (or Adobe Premiere) as each participant will produce a five minute production. At the close of the course, a public screening of films produced during the workshop will be hosted by Pathshala: South Asian Media Academy.
The workshop is being offered at a specially subsidised rate due to support from Barry himself, Panasonic, Pathshala, Drik and Culture Pot. For further information and application details please contact Ms. Nasrin?Zeba at Pathshala South Asian Media Academy. Phone: +880 (0)2-9136895, +880 (0)192 7122?740
Clip of recent workshop by Barry Braverman

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