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Violence and Representation

Tate Modern? Starr Auditorium

Saturday 18 September 2010,?10.30?17.00

To coincide with the exhibition Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera, this symposium explores violence as a subject in relation to representations in the broadest range of historical and geographical contexts. It includes international artists, photojournalists and theorists who from their distinctive perspectives will attempt to unveil notions of spectatorship and consumption of violent images in contemporary culture. Key questions will encompass the notion of the political, apolitical or depoliticised spectator of representations of violence; the consequences of these kinds of practice and the difference between photo reportage and art photography.
Speakers include Shahidul Alam, Steve Edwards,Susan Meiselas, Simon Norfolk, John Roberts, Julian Stallabrass and Alberto Toscano.
Supported by Oxford Art Journal, the Open University and the British Council
?20?(?15?concessions),?booking recommended

Weegee Their First Murder, October 9, 1941 ? Weegee/ International Center of Photography / Getty Images

Violence and Representation symposium programme 2010-09-16?

Chobi Mela V artist finalist in Jameel Prize

Camille Zakaria, whose work “Markings” was exhibited in Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy in Chobi Mela V, was one of the finalists in the newly launched Jameel Prize.

Islamic craft and design are recognised the world over for their rich use of decorative pattern, technical innovation and artistic harmony.? The Jameel Prize aims to raise awareness of the thriving interaction between contemporary practice and this rich artistic heritage, and to contribute to a broader debate about Islamic culture.

Interviews with finalists for the V&A’s Jameel Prize 2009 from Victoria and Albert Museum on Vimeo.
Interviews with Jameel Prize 2009 winner Afruz Amighi and three of the finalists: Hassan Hajjaj, Susan Hefuna and Camille Zakharia. Works by all the finalists are featured.

The First Photojournalism Exhibit by SOS: Start From Shantou

Start Time:
Saturday, 26 June 2010 at 19:00
End Time:
Friday, 02 July 2010 at 21:30
No. 8 Square, 789 Buildings of Shantou University
We hope you would…
Grant us the pleasure of your presence at the opening of
?Start From Shantou?
Dedicate to Sasa Kralj
The SOS Seminar
7:00pm – 8:00pm, June 26th, 2010 (Saturday)
The Exhibit Opening
8:00pm – 10:00pm, June 26th, 2010 (Saturday)
The exhibit will be open to the public from
June 26th — July 2rd 2010
Venue? No. 8 Square, 789 Buildings
Exhibition Introduction:
A year ago, four students from Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communication returned from the internships in Bangladesh. Inspired by the Bangladeshi photographic culture and interested in promoting photography communities in China, they started in Shantou and founded SOS(Seven on Saturdays), a photography seminar begins at 7pm on every Saturday.
A year later, the four students are graduating and about to start their own careers. However, SOS keeps rolling and will go even further, with more and more juniors, sophomores and freshmen?s participation.
The exhibit Sart From Shantou is not only a photographic display of students from Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communication, but also a concentrated expression of their thinking and ambitions. With dream and passion, we started from here in Shantou to go towards the world. In the exhibit you can enjoy photographs from all over the world, such as China, the US, South Africa, Bangladesh and Indonesia.
Respectively, we also invite photojournalism exhibit 80’s held in New Ye Men Cafe in June this year to join our exhibit.
These accomplishments are attributable to Sasa Kralj, a world renowed photojournalist. We would like to dedicate the exhibit to Sasa Kralj as he is leaving Shantou University in June, 2010.
2010, let’s start from Shantou!
Curator: SOS(Seven on Saturdays) Photography Community
Consultant: Sasa kralj
Organizer: SOS(Seven on Saturdays) Photography Community
Photographers: Bai Xi, He Long, Huang Xingxing(JoJo), Li Ziying, Lv Shanshan, Lu Yunjia, Wang Zhongjie, Yang Qiongzhen, Zeng Shuru, Zhao Yanxian, Zhou Wenli, Zhong Zhi
Assistants: Chen Biru, Xu Xiaobo, Mei Ying, Hu Lingfeng, Chen Yong (Poster Designer)
Confirmed guests
Earlier exhibition by sudents of Shahidul Alam at Shantou (lower down in the page)

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