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Contests and Grants archive

Asia-Pacific Photograph Contest
The International Labor Organization, Disabled People’s International, and Irish Aid are sponsoring a photo contest for photographers in all Asian and Pacific countries. The theme of the contest is “Decent work for persons with disabilities.” Entry deadline: November 21. Entries must be digital photos of disabled people either in the work environment or advocating for their right to work.
First prize will receive US$1,000, second prize is US$500, and third place receives US$250. The contest is open to residents of Asia-Pacific countries who are at least 18 years old. The awards will be announced November 29 at a ceremony in Bangkok. For more information:
— zakir kibria Executive Director, BanglaPraxis and Co-ordinator, Solidarity Workshop Web:
Dear Mr. Shahidul Alam,
We hope you are fine.
With highest regards, we are pleased to inform you that Saba Cultural and Artistic Institute under supervision of Iranian Academy of Arts is about to hold The First International Biennial of Photography in the Islamic World in 2008.
So we enclosed the recall for you in order to have the complete information and conditions of The First International Biennial of Photography.
Please look at the recall and attachments and send your works and CD as soon as possible
We wonder if you could help us & introduce any artists interested in participating in our biennial & send us their complete addresses & contact numbers
Thank you in advance for your kind collaboration.
We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Head of the International Affairs Department
Saba Cultural & Artistic Institute
No 53, Mozafar St, Taleghani Ave,
Felestin Square, Tehran, Iran
TelFax: 0098 21 66487534
The Aaron Siskind Foundation : ??If you?re unfamiliar with the?ASF, we hope you take a moment to learn more about us, and about?Aaron Siskind. The Aaron Siskind Foundation?s Individual Photographer?s Fellowship (IPF) grant program encourages and celebrates artistic achievement in contemporary photography by supporting the creative endeavors of individual artists working in still photography and photography-based media.?

Aftermath Project ? yearly GRANT competition for photographers covering the aftermath of conflict.?DEADLINE Nov. 2

CDM International Photo and Video Contest 2009

The secretariat of the UNFCCC is pleased the launch of the?CDM International Photo and Video Contest 2009, on the theme Changing Lives. The contest is intended to raise awareness about the Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism.
The contest is a great way for CDM registered projects to present their accomplishments to the world, and a great opportunity for photographers and digital video creators to gain global exposure and recognition.
The winning works will be displayed at the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009, when the countries of the world will be working hard to deliver a global deal on climate change.
The contest is open to any photographer or digital video creator, amateur and professional, but entries must must be associated with a registered CDM project. The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2009.

International Climate Champions Launched

Young Bangladeshis are being given an opportunity to set out what they would tell world leaders about the impact of climate change on their communities in a project that is launched on Monday, 31 August by the British Council and the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies at the British High Commission Club.
Two senior UK Ministers ? Ed Miliband, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change and Douglas Alexander, the Secretary of State for International Development ?formally launched International Climate Champions in Bangladesh with Dr Atiq Rahman, Executive Director of the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies and UNEP Champion of the Earth 2008. The British High Commissioner and Head of DFID Bangladesh were present in the occasion.
The project will initially select 15 young Bangladeshis to join a growing network of climate champions from around the globe. They will be equipped to give voice to what young people feel should be done to meet the challenge of global warming. They will draw on their own experience of adaptation to inspire others to take action to address climate change.
A small number of the winning Champions will be given the chance to represent the perspectives of young Bangladeshis at high profile international events such as the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen in December.
Details of the competition and application form, guidelines.
Source:?Nazzina Mohsin

Orient Global Freedom to Create Prize

The entry deadline – August 14 – is rapidly approaching. Please?be aware that we are currently sifting through hundreds of entries to select those artists and their works to be showcased at our award ceremony to be held at the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London this coming November. Shortly, we will also be showcasing featured artists and their works on the? website which is currently being viewed from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
We look forward to seeing your work!
Thank you and Good Luck,
The Freedom to Create Prize team

Call for Entries, Search for Common Ground is launching a photo slideshow contest

Common Ground Slideshow Contest:
What does common ground look like?
Woman and child
Search for Common Ground is launching a photo slideshow contest in partnership with Animoto, the online video producer. Users of Animoto simply select images and music, and then Animoto creates a unique video for them.
* people reaching across racial or religious divides
* working together for their community
* cooperation to accomplish a task
* demonstrations of teamwork
How to enter:
Sign up at
Upload your images and choose a soundtrack song
That’s it – you’re done! Your Animoto slideshow is created automatically within a few minutes.
Flip camcorderCheck out the prizes for the winner:
* Receive a Flip Video camcorder
* Have their photo slideshow shown in the: Common Ground Award Ceremony, Common Ground Film Festival, SFCG website, and Animoto Website
Submission deadline: August 21, 2009
Winners will be notified by October 1, 2009.
Slideshow Contest Details
Search for Common Ground (SFCG) is an international nonprofit organization helping people to deal with conflict in nonviolent ways: by understanding their differences, but acting on their commonalities. The premise is that what binds us together is stronger than what divides us. SFCG is partnering with the online video producer, Animoto, to launch a photo essay contest that asks what common ground looks like.
Contestants will use their original photos, or find photos that answer the question, ?What does common ground look like?? They will upload these images to the Animoto Website and select music to go with the photos. Animoto then automatically generates a unique video for them. No two videos are ever the same.
Photos should focus on themes that exemplify the idea of common ground. For example:
* bridging racial divides
* intergenerational relationships
* teamwork
* communities working together
* interfaith harmony
* diversity
* multiculturalism
* cooperation
The Details:
* Photos: Take new original photos, use old original photos, or find photos by others (these images must be found within the public domain at a site like? or offered under a Creative Commons license.)
* Registration: Sign up with Animoto for our contest and receive a code to make an Animoto music video free of charge:?
* Making the Show: Upload your photos to Animoto. You can choose music from Animoto?s music library, music in the public domain, or music offered under a Creative Commons license to go with your show. The piece of music must be in an mp3 format. You may consider adding text. Every sentence of text needs its own frame. Your show should be no shorter than 30 seconds and no longer than 4 minutes. Keep in mind that Animoto displays between 24 and 40 images per minute.
* Credits: List the sources of your photos in the last slide of your show.
* Submissions: Send an email with your name, phone number, address, email address, profession, and the link to your video to:?
The submission deadline is August 21, 2009. Winners will be notified by October 1, 2009.
The first place winner will:
* win a Flip Video camcorder
* have their photo show played during the Common Ground Film Festival
* have their photo show played at the Common Ground Awards Ceremony in Washington, D.C.
The Prizes:
The top 3 finalists will have their videos featured on:
* the Search for Common Ground Website.
* the Animoto for a Cause Web page.
Young Photographers Competition
shots Directory 2010
deadline extended to 31 July 2009
download conditions of entry
upload your entry
The shots Directory is a comprehensive guide to the world?s advertising agencies, production companies, directors, creatives and facilities companies servicing the film and broadcast commercial industries. It is published annually by?shots, the leading magazine, DVD and online resource for the world?s advertising community. It also promotes the best in print advertising and has an ongoing commitment to support emerging creative talent.
Each year, the Directory hosts an international Young Photographers Competition, for which photography students are invited to submit work. With all submissions based on a chosen theme, finalists? work is showcased in the Directory.
We are now inviting entries from photography students studying degree-level courses around the world.
Up to 60 entrants will be selected to have a sequence of work included in the shots Directory 2010, along with their contact and college details.
Of these, nine outstanding entries will be chosen for extended coverage in the book. Four exemplary photographers will, in addition, be profiled, and the overall winner will have his or her work featured on the cover.
We are delighted to announce that?Young Photographers United are supporting the competition.


Awards, Grants, and?Competitions

New site listing many photo contests:
Private Eyes
Amateur Photography and Collective History
Two-day international conference on everyday practices of
photography and collective history.
TIME: November 12th-13th 2009.
VENUE: University of Copenhagen, Department of Art and Cultural Studies.
Facebook, private homepages, digital cameras, mobile phones with
cameras, these new digital technologies and practices have exploded
in the era recently labelled as the time of the?amateur. Private photographs are gaining unprecedented presence in?the mass media and on the art scene, when the collective history is being
documented and written. What is the consequence for the collective writing
of history when our present culture is saturated with flows of private
amateur photographs?
Much seem to indicate that amateur everyday photography will increasingly
be regarded as a performative practice of the now rather
than as a tool of memory as it used to be in the past. Right now, when
such private genres of pictures are undergoing radical change, it is
important to study them and their use within a cross-disciplinary frame as
well as in a historical and contemporary perspective.
The aim of the conference is to throw light on and discuss what
implications and challenges the changing nature of photography poses for
scholars and, more broadly, for the cultural realm. For this purpose,
leading scholars working within a trans-disciplinary field are invited.
Several of these scholars cross the boundaries between the humanities and
the social sciences. They are inspired by anthropological methods and
discussions of materiality as well as by phenomenology and so-called
non-representational theory that challenges the textual dominance in the
humanities and social sciences. Overall, the speakers will address how
amateur photography performs histories about gender, identity, sexuality,
traumas, family relations, ethnicity, cultural geography, and nationality.
The conference thus crosses academic disciplines such as art history,
visual studies, cultural studies, anthropology, media studies, and
Confirmed speakers:
Sigrid Lien is professor at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and
Aesthetic Studies, Bergen University. Her books include Norsk Fotohistorie
� fr? daguerreotypi til digitalisering (2007) 100 bilder (2008),
and Lengselens Bilder. Fotografiet i norsk utvandringshistorie (2009). She
is on the editorial board of Photography & Culture (Berg)
Martin Lister is professor emeritus of Visual Culture in the Department of
Culture, Media, and Drama, Faculty of Creative Arts, UWE, Bristol. ?He has
a particular interest in the place of photography within the new media
ecology.His books include The Photographic Image in Digital Culture (1995)
and New Media: A Critical Introduction (2003). He is editor of the journal
Photographies (Routledge).
Sarah Pink is professor of Social Sciences at Loughborough University. Her
books include Doing Visual Ethnography (2001), Home Truths (2004), and The
Future of Visual Anthropology (2006). She is currently doing research
about �Slow Cities� in the UK and writing a book called
Doing Sensory Ethnography. She is the editor of Visual Interventions:
Applied Visual Anthropology (2007).
Margaret Olin is Senior Research Scholar in Divinity, with appointments in
History of Art, Religious Studies, and Judaic Studies, Yale University.
Among her books are: The Nation Without Art: Examining Modern Discourses
in Jewish Art (2001), Monuments and Memory, Made and Unmade, co-edited
with Robert S. Nelson (2003); and Touching Photographs (forthcoming). She
is co-editor of the journal Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual
Apart from the invited speakers, panels of open call paper presentations
(20 minutes) will be arranged. We invite submissions for the following
three panels:
1. Family, Affect, Loss
2. Photography, Performance and Visual Anthropology
3. Web 2.0 and the Construction of Collective History
Please note that panels 1 and 2 may include both contemporary and
historical material. Abstracts (300 words maximum) for one of the panels
may be submitted until August 20, 2009. State your name, affiliation, and
contact information as well as the panel your paper is aimed at.
Please send your abstract to:? We will let you know
whether your paper has been accepted no later than September 7. There is
no conference fee.
For questions, please contact Mette Mortensen?, Mette
Sandbye?, Louise Wolthers? or Jonas
Organizing Committee:
Mette Sandbye, PhD, associate professor, Department of Art and Cultural
Studies, The University of Copenhagen.
Jonas Larsen, PhD, associate professor, Department of Environment, Society
and Spatial Change, Roskilde University.
Louise Wolthers, PhD, post doctoral candidate, The Danish National Gallery.
Mette Mortensen, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Media, Cognition
and Communication, The University of Copenhagen.
Web:? (from September 1)
The conference is sponsored by The Danish Council for Independent Research and?Humanities.
Mette Mortensen, ph.d.
Assistant Professor
Postdoctoral fellow
Section of Film & Media Studies
Dept. of Media, Cognition and Communication
Copenhagen University
Njalsgade 80
DK-2300 K?benhavn S.
Tel.: 3532 8191
Fax: 3532 8110
shots is proud to announce the fourth annual competition for photography students worldwide. The theme of this year’s competition is “SUBLIME”. We are looking for a short series of original work (3-10 images) that responds to, and reflects this theme in an original and dynamic way. This is a unique opportunity for current and graduating photography students. Each year, shots publishes a substantial Directory a 700-page resource for international brands and the creative industries that serve them. It is bought, and used all year by creative directors and art buyers worldwide. Sixty finalists will be chosen from the competition entry; and from those finalists, nine outstanding submissions, including three runners-up and an overall winner, will be announced in December 2009. All 60 finalists will be featured in the published Directory along with contact details. The winning entry will feature on the cover. Runners-up will be given additional full-page exposure throughout the book. All finalists’ work will feature in an online exhibition when the shots 2010 Directory is published in December 2009. The competition is supported by the international photography collective Young Photographers United ( The competition is open to all current photography students. Entry is free. The closing date for entries is Friday 17 July 2009.
Further details.
With all good wishes Steve Hare shots Directory All entries must be submitted digitally by uploading to the shots site. Images may be colour or b/w. The 60 shortlisted entrants will be asked after the submission deadline to submit high-resolution versions, on which final judging will be based. The judges will be looking for technical excellence as well as an imaginative and original interpretation of the chosen theme. Only previously unpublished work will be considered.
Dear photographers friends
The Hellenic Photographic Society of Crete, in cooperation with??F.I.A.P., organizes the 2nd?international photo-meeting and invites you to participate in it.
The 2nd?international photo-meeting will be held from 12 July to 19 July?2009 in?Heraklion of Crete, in?Greece.
Detailed information:
Any friend of photography can take part in this photo-meeting.
We thank you and look forward to having you here in?Crete?for a special photographic week.
The president of Hellenic Photographic Society of Crete
Metzakis Manolis UPI CR3-E.FIAP/


Agence France-Presse is inviting applications for the 2009 Kate Webb Award, an annual 5,000 euro journalism prize in memory of one of its finest foreign correspondents.
The award is open to journalists in the Asia-Pacific region who have produced exceptional work while reporting in dangerous or difficult circumstances,demonstrated moral or physical courage in reporting, or who have produced recent work of outstanding quality, originality or great promise.
The award comes in the form of a travel scholarship and is administered by the AFP Foundation in collaboration with Kate?s family.
The prize is aimed at financing a reporting trip which the applicant might otherwise be unable to afford.
Kate, who died on 13 May, 2007, spent most of her professional life in Asia. She was devoted to the local staff in bureaus where she worked and she inspired their loyalty and affection.
The award is aimed at giving the successful applicant an opportunity to broaden their professional and personal experiences.
The winner should be prepared to spend at least two weeks at his or her destination of choice and will be expected to use the grant to produce a piece of work ? text, photographs or video ? which will be displayed on the website of the AFP Foundation.
Last year?s prize was awarded to Mushtaq Yusufzai for his work in the dangerous tribal regions on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border.
The winner will be selected by a panel including senior AFP editors and a representative of Kate Webb?s family. The deadline for applications is May 18 and the work submitted should have been completed since March 31 2008.
Applicants must be locally engaged professional journalists employed by any news organisation. The term ?journalist? includes photographers, camera crew, stringers, video camera and radio journalists.
The award is limited to applicants working in the Asia-Pacific region.
The application form is available at? (nb Fondation)?or email?
The application form is available at? (nb Fondation)?or email?




News Partners Newsletter Organization Press Archives


From January 2009, as part of?Images, the Festival of Visual Arts in Vevey, Switzerland, the?Foundation Vevey: Ville d?Images?is inviting entries for the?5th European First Film Awards?and the?7th International Vevey Photo Awards. With complete freedom of choice as regards subject matter and genre, these bi-annual competitions provide precious support to contemporary creators.
The distinctive feature of these competitions is that they enable creators to carry out personal projects in the fields of film or photography through the attribution of prizes worth up to 30,000 CHF (approximately 20,000 Euros).
Over the years, through the festival?Images?and its two Award competitions, Vevey has become closely associated with contemporary artistic creation and visual communication.
Juries composed of Swiss and international experts in the fields of film and photography will meet in May and June 2009 to examine the projects submitted and select those which are considered to be outstanding in terms of quality or originality. The projects that receive awards will be completed and shown at the next edition of the festival?Images?in September 2010.
Register online to the?photography or?cinema competition! The deadline for the submission of projects is 30 April 2009!
? Geert Goiris, Whiteout, 2008
6th International Vevey Photo Awards winner
Fondation Vevey, ville d’images
Rue du clos – CP 443
CH – 1800 Vevey
T. +41 (0)21 922 48 54
F. +41 (0)21 922 48 55
** please note that if you apply for this opportunity and mention that you are based abroad and heard about it from me, they will waive the $15 acceptance fee **
Call for Submissions: Politically Oriented Photography
The Left Forum is seeking photographs to show in continuous slide shows during its conference April 17?19, 2009 at Pace University in New York. Content can be anything with a progressive political aspect to it, including
1. Photojournalism and documentation of events, such as marches, protests, conflicts
2. Documents of living conditions, environmental conditions relating to progressive causes such as pollution, urban decay, global warming, poverty, complacency, foreclosures, life of the ruling classes, progressive politics
3. Documents of performances (theater, dance) with progressive themes
4. Images documenting life, personal histories, in non-mainstream communities or populations, including but not limited to immigrant communities, GLBT, women’s special ordeals, minority communities, etc.
5. Collages or other forms of image combination that uses photography as an element to make political statements
6. Photo essays, documents and images of turning points or victories in personal, community, and/or organized struggles for justice, for democratic control over community resources, over workplaces, over collective political processes; victories in the transformation of intolerance into tolerance of difference; transformation of economies of power hoarding, exploitation and plunder into social relations of greater equity and cooperation
Straight as well as non-standard or post-modern approaches are welcome.
We will set up approximately 10 television sets throughout the halls of Pace University and divide the images among them in continuous loops, showing each image for 5 seconds. A list of artists and their websites will be available at the TV sets for people to take. Approximately 2,000 people will see your work.
File size:
Your images should be approximately 720×480 pixels (4×6 inches). Aspect ratio may vary according to your image source, but the long dimension should be no more than 800 pixels at 150 dpi. Please name your works with your last name, followed by your first, then an underscore, then a number 01 to 10, as in SimpsonJoel_02.jpg
Title & Credit:
You are welcome to add a title and your name to the image, either inside or outside it, staying within the 800 pixel long dimension. The title should include pertinent information about the work, such as event, location, and date. There will be no other way of identifying your work to the public. Make it large enough to be seen, but don’t overpower the image. In addition, if you’re accepted, your name and website will be listed on a take-away sheet that will be stacked next to the TVs where the images will be shown. That way, if someone sees an image she likes, he can look you up on the sheet and learn more from your website.
Number of images: Send up to 10 images.
Where to send them: Email them to
Please put “Left Forum Photo” in the subject line and include your name, address, phone number, and website in the body of the email.
Fees: If you are accepted, you will be asked to pay a $15 fee to the Left Forum to help defray costs (we have no benefactors! Know of any?). This will entitle you to a $25 discount on your admission for the weekend, should you wish to attend (highly recommended?very exciting stuff).
Normal admission is $60 for the weekend. Please go to for more admission information.
Deadline: March 30, 2009. You will be notified via email by April 3 if your work is accepted. You may then pay your fee within one week, either by credit (which can be paid through PayPal on the Left Forum website, or by check made out to The Left Forum and mailed to Left Forum c/o Sociology graduate program, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue, New York, NY, 10016.
Thank you.
Joel Simpson
Left Forum Photography Coordinator
Source: Quito Ziegler

Humanity Photo Awards

On behalf of CFPA (China Folklore Photographic Association), we would like to express our sincere greetings to you. This time we will ceremoniouslyintroduce the HPA (Humanity Photo Awards) 2009—the first worldwide folklore photography competition which may probably attracts your attention.
CFPA, established in 1993 was an independent non-profitable NGO. It aims to call upon photographers and amateurs passionate about folklore cultures to record, spread and share the precious culture heritages in China, make contribution to worldwide preservation of diverse cultures and the world?s peace and development. So far, it has over 35,000 members who play a significant role in the protection of cultural heritages all over the world. In addition, the UNESCO has become the formal cooperative partner of CFPA since 2000.
HPA, launched in 1998 by CFPA, is a biennial photography contest which calls upon worldwide photographers, professional or amateur, to record the world?s folklore cultures, spread and share the diverse cultures among mankind. So far, HPA has been greatly supported by the UNESCO, with whose logo awarded since the year 2000. In 2005, selected photos of the first four HPA were exhibited in the headquarters of the UNESCO in Paris after being exhibited in Japan?s Aichi Expo. The exhibition was the opening of the celebration activities for UNESCO?s 60th Anniversary. Mr. Koichiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, and Mr. Shen Che, Founder of HPA together invited the photographers in Europe to visit the exhibition in Paris, which once again gathered photographers with a common dream of preserving folklore cultures. Over the past ten years, the HPA contest has collected more than 100,000 photographs about the folklore cultures ! of 118 countries, which were taken by nearly 8,000 photographers from 94 countries around the world. The unprecedented achievements of HPA make us confident in preserving a splendid enormous gallery of folklore images for mankind.
On Sep 16, 2008, the HPA 2009 contest was formally launched. After one-year innovative reform, we believe it will attract more attention from photographers, cultural organizations, and countries, etc. The HPA 2009 will be a photographic gala where more photographs revealing diverse cultures will present at the same time!
Distinguished from the former contests, this competition is planning to attract more and more areas to participate. We positively wish the HPA 2009 will become the most multi-cultural competition compared with its past. Therefore, we cordially invite you and your friends who are concerned with folkore cultures to join this event. For attracting more photographers, we would completely appreciate if you were able to put a link of HPA2009 on your web to encourage associations and photographers surrounding you to pay close attention to the contest. Your help would be a great treasure for world folklore culture protection and discovery.
Details of the HPA 2009 contest
Former HPA contest and winner works:

Last chance to enter one of the world?s most generous photography competitions

Fresh Milk

Dear Photographer,
We are now only 4 weeks out from the closing date of the Fresh M.I.L.K. photography competition. We are excited by the submissions we have already received from talented photographers around the world. But we are looking forward to receiving your entry before the competition closes on 31 December and encourage you to enter online now.
This is a $125,000 international competition to find photographs that capture and celebrate spontaneous and humorous moments shared between friends, families and lovers.
We are inviting both professional and gifted amateur photographers to submit their images now with a free online entry. 150 images will be chosen as finalists and the overall winner, chosen by Magnum photographer Elliott Erwitt, will receive $50,000.
This is a chance to have your photograph become part of a world-renowned collection and be published (under non-exclusive license) in a prestigious international book.
More information regarding M.I.L.K. and full details of how to enter
Competition closes 31 December 2008.
Source:?Milk Photo press release.
For more info:?
or the founder:
Jonas Lemberg +46 (0) 70-733 46 00

World Press Photo Contest

Dear photographer,
We would like to invite you to participate in the 2009 World Press Photo Contest and to enter the contest online by uploading your images.
Before requesting your username and password below, here are some tips for using the web entry site:
– Do not wait until the deadline: The web entry site works like an account. You do not need to complete your entry in one session. But you can log out from the web entry site and log back in to continue finalizing your entry before submitting it.
– An image may only be entered once, either as a single or as part of a story.
– A story/portfolio must contain a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 12 images.
– Images can be uploaded as .jpg or as zip files. To upload a story or more than one single image. You can compress up to 12 images in a zip file.
– All images must meet the following specifications:
– Images must be at least 3,000 pixels in length.
– Image resolution must be 72 dpi or higher.
– Each image must be saved as a separate JPEG with the highest quality setting.
– An embedded ICC profile is required. AdobeRGB or sRGB is recommended for color images, Gamma 2.2 for black and white. No CMYK.
– Include the required metadata (creation date, place, country and caption/description) beforehand as it will be copied automatically from your image files.
– After having uploaded your images, you may still edit the order of the images within a story and change or add metadata if necessary.
– No pre-coding necessary: Codes are generated automatically for each image.
The deadline for submitting your entry is 15 January 2009, 23.59 (Central European Time).
Click the link below to request your username and password to submit your entry the 2009 World Press Photo contest online. Note that the deadline for requesting your login is 9 January 2009, 23.59 (Central European Time).
Your username and password will be sent to you in two separate emails. Please read the password email carefully as it contains useful information as well as the link to access the web entry site. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We look forward to your entry.
Kind regards,
World Press Photo
=======================================================================1) Journalists in Asia may compete for?fellowship to study at NYU
Region: Asia and the Pacific
Asia-based journalists may apply for a Wall Street Journal fellowship to study business and economic reporting at the New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. Deadline: January 20.
The WSJ NYU Fellowship program features journalism and MBA courses and a 4:1 student-to-faculty ratio, providing both intellectual rigor as well as hands-on mentoring for a dozen selected students, according to its Web site.
Candidates must be full-time journalists who are fluent in English and have at least two years of experience in a print or electronic publication, including one year in an English-language medium.
The fellowship covers tuition expenses and fees for two of the three semesters of the program, travel to New York, and textbooks, as well as provides a stipend of US$22,000.
2) South Asian journalists eligible for reporting fellowships
Country: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
South Asian journalists and freelancers in any medium are invited to apply for the third annual South Asian Journalists Association (SAJA) Reporting Fellowship (SRF). Deadline: December 15.
The fellowships, created by SAJA in 2005 to ensure follow-up coverage about the 2004 tsunami, seek to encourage in-depth reporting projects by providing grants to cover a portion of reporting expenses. Each fellowship award is typically between US$3,000 US$7,000.
Applicants must have at least five years of journalism experience, produce content in English, be able to publish or broadcast the finished work in the United States or Canada, and be willing to work with an editor chosen by SAJA.
For more information, contact?Laura Griffin, SAJA administrative director.
DAYS JAPAN International Photojournalism Awards
DEADLINE January 15, 2009
We are pleased to announce
The 5th DAYS JAPAN International Photojournalism Awards
Almost 5 years have passed since the monthly photojournalism magazine DAYS JAPAN was launched.
We have never changed our policy ? telling the truth from the side of victimized citizens.
Renowned photographers from around the world contribute to our magazine, risking their lives for a single shot.
DAYS JAPAN invites photographers and journalists throughout the world to take part in the 5th DAYS JAPAN International Photojournalism Awards. We accept photographs taken between January 2007 and December 2008. Entries must be sent by post to DAYS JAPAN in Tokyo, Japan by January 15, 2009 with a completed entry form that you can download from our?website.
We do not accept entries by E-mail. The final decisions will be announced on March, 2009.
For the 2008 awards, approximately 5,000 works were submitted from around the world.
The award-winning photographs have been exhibited all over Japan and a great number of people were touched by these photos.
We are confident that this is the only world-class photojournalism award in Japan, and hope that we can make a significant contribution to the development of photojournalism.
Please visit our?website for further details.
Ryuichi Hirokawa

Dear Climate-L readers,
This email is to bring to your attention the launch of UNFCCC/CDM International Photo Contest 2008, on the theme CDM Changing Lives.
The contest is a great way for registered projects to present their accomplishments to the world, and a great way to publicize the benefits of this unique mechanism. For photographers, it’s a great way to gain exposure and recognition.
The contest is open to any photographer, amateur and professional, but entries must be submitted by Project Participants of registered CDM projects, through a special up-load facility on the CDM website. This up-load facility will be available to accept entries on 1 November 2008.
There are now more than 1180 CDM projects in 49 countries. Photographers, please check the?CDM interactive map to find a registered project near you, or search for a registered project using the?CDM website’s project search facility.
Visit the photo contest page on the?CDM website for full instructions.
The instructions are also available in?pdf format.
Please do not hesitate to contact the contest focal point if you have questions, or if you have suggestions on how to raise awareness about the contest.
Thank you and very best regards,
Your CDM Team
Contest Focal Point
Mr. Edward Lai
Welcome to the third grant-making cycle of The Aftermath Project. We?re very pleased to announce that this year ? thanks to the generous support of the Open Society Institute and the Compton Foundation ? we will be giving two grants, one for $25,000 and one for $15,000. We will also name three finalists, to bring our annual group of winners and finalists to our usual total of five.
It?s been quite a year, filled with opportunities to learn and grow, all part of the continued deepening and fulfilling of the mission of The Aftermath Project. The Compton Foundation invited us to submit a proposal for funding, which was positively received, and we?re looking forward to working with them this year. Our first Aftermath photography workshop, held in partnership with the Institute for Global Leadership at Tufts University takes place later this month in northern Uganda. And our inaugural exhibition opens on 9/11 at Roosevelt University?s Gage Gallery in Chicago. And the Lucie Awards will be recognizing The Aftermath Project this October at its annual awards dinner, as the recipient of ts Humanitarian Award.
We hope you?ve had the opportunity to see our first publication, ?War is Only Half the Story, Volume One,? published a few months ago by Mets and Schilt (Amsterdam) and Aperture (New York), featuring the work of our 2007 grant winners and finalists. We are very pleased with and proud of the book. In terms of challenges, well, we were all set to begin work on Volume Two, featuring the work of our 2008 grant winner Kathryn Cook and our four finalists, when the publishers told us that it wasn?t commercially viable for them to do another volume right now. As disappointing as that news was, all of us who are documentary photographers know that this is one of the realities that we?re always dealing with in presenting work that isn?t about celebrities or pop culture.
So?we took this decision as an opportunity to think again about what The Aftermath Project is all about. As many of you already know, we care about education and outreach, about changing the way the media covers conflict and about helping the public understand that until they?ve learned the story of aftermath, they only know half the story of war. My original concept was a five-year or ten-year retrospective book of our winners and finalists, and I?ve realized that this is probably still the best approach for a commercial book. In the meantime, though, we want to continue with education and outreach, so we are looking into raising the funds to do an in-house folio of our winners and finalists each year, for distribution to photojournalism schools, human rights organizations, museums, etc. This means we will be still be able to spread the word, without the publishing restrictions on grant winners that were necessary when we were producing a commercial publication. We feel this is the right direction for moving forward, and we?re very grateful to Maarten Schilt (Mets and Schilt) and Lesley Martin (Aperture) for playing such an important role in the early years of our work.
On to this year?s grants. We look forward to receiving your applications, which are due by November 3rd (to the address on the application form). We want to remind you that you don?t have to be a photojournalist to apply; we welcome applications from all photographers working thoughtfully and creatively on issues related to the aftermath of conflict.
Don?t be afraid to submit a proposal that pushes the envelope ? in terms of approach or subject matter. As long it?s about the aftermath of conflict, we?re interested in seeing what you?re thinking about and working on.
Thank you for your interest in, and support of, The Aftermath Project. Feel free to contact us any time with your thoughts or suggestions about how to do outreach, education and exhibitions. And best wishes to each of you as you prepare your proposal for our 2009 grant cycle.
Kind regards,
Sara Terry
Founder, The Aftermath Project
As one of the largest photographic events existing today, The?World Photography Awards (WPA), reach far beyond an awards programme for the still image. The WPA is a convergence of festival events, focused photographic agendas, exhibitions, awards schemes, student programmes and an industry-led gala evening ceremony which marks the pinnacle of the week-long event in April 2009.
The Sony World Photography Awards Gala and central exhibitions that support the awards? nominees and honourees, occurs once a year in the prestigious Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France. The evening welcomes some of the most influential names in the photography industry, from press and media to gallerists, publishers, agents, critics, aficionados and the renowned artists themselves.
From fine art to applied photography in fashion, advertising and sport to humanistic and documentary photography of people, social, cultural and current affairs to the environmental image of landscape, wildlife and ecology, there are few subjects or genres left undiscovered. The celebration of the still image – its roots, conception, adaptation and continuous evolution – is a constant parallel, unifying all categories of the World Photography Awards.
This impressive union of distinct photographic genres has spurred many of the industry?s elite to actively support the WPA. A very select group of these heavyweights have been invited to form the?World Photographic Academy. To date, close to 100 members from the photographic community belong to this academy, from leading international agencies, guilds, galleries, publishing houses, foundations, press and of course renowned photographers themselves, such as Elliott Erwitt, Tom Stoddart, Susan Meiselas, Stuart Franklin, Mary-Ellen Mark and many more.
Beyond the week-long celebration in Cannes, the World Photography Awards continuously create ways in order to support and further promote its existing industry network, the newly discovered photographers and those studying the craft. These many year-long initiatives include the?Student Programme,?The Sony World Photography Awards Global Tour and the?Online World Photography Awards Magazine.
Source:?Ms Holly WattsPicture Library AssistantMajority World CIC

2009 Nieman Journalism Fellowships accepting applications

Posted on: 14/10/2008?Fellowships and Awards?Deadline: 15/12/2008?Region: Asia and the Pacific, Eastern Europe-Central Eurasia, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Worldwide
Journalists with five or more years of experience from around the world can apply for the Nieman International Fellowships to study at Harvard University. Application deadline: December 15.
Candidates must find financial support from sources outside the Nieman Foundation. Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply even if they haven’t received full funding by the deadline. The Foundation then works with fellows to secure the necessary funds.
Applicants from South Africa, Canada and South Korea may choose to follow their own Nieman application, selection process and submission deadlines.
Completed application forms should accompany work samples and two short essays: a statement of career plans and aspirations, and a proposal for study. Fellows begin their academic year at Harvard in mid-August 2009.
For more information,?contact, telephone +1 617 495 2237, or?visit

Darryl D’Monte
Chairperson, Forum of Environmental Journalists of India (FEJI)
International Federation of Environmental Journalists (IFEJ)
Kinara, 29-B Carter Road, Bandra West,
Mumbai 400 050, India
Tel 91 22 2642 7088, 2645 9286
Cell: 98203 68872
Fax c/o 91 22 2645 8870
The Climate Change Media Partnership is pleased to invite journalists to apply for a climate change fellowship. Please find attached the invitation and application form.
The deadline for applications is Monday 13 October.
An international panel will select the fellows and successful applicants will be notified by 31 October.
Applications should be sent preferably as an email attachment to:;
Fax to: +44 207 278 0345.
Post to: Climate Change Media Partnership, Panos London, 9 White Lion
Street, N1 9PD, UK.
We look forward to receiving your application and good luck!
Best wishes,
Rod Harbinson
Head of Environment Programme
tel +44 (0)20 7239 7607
Brussels Biennale
The first edition of the Brussels Biennial will be held from 19 October 2008 through 04 January 2009. For the first time in Brussels: a biennial for contemporary art. 7 exhibitions, 70 artists and an off-program with more than one hundred fifty artists exposing their artwork all over the city! Brussels Biennial 1 opens on 19 October 2008, exactly fifty years after the closing of the 1958 World Fair. An international crowd of artists takes the visitor in tow throughout the history of modernization of Brussels.
The festival includes exhibits from Chobi Mela from the artists featured in red:
Shahidul Alam (Bangladesh), Victor Alimpiev & Zhunin Marian (Russia),?Tarek Al-Ghoussein & Chris Kienke (United Arabic Emirates/United States), Pawel Althamer (Poland), AMO – Rem Koolhaas & Renier De Graaf (the Netherlands), Carla Arocha & St?phane Schraenen (Venezuela/Belgium), Art & Language (United Kingdom), Hamdi Attia (Egypt), Jochen Becker (Germany), Alexandra Bircken (Germany), Karla Black (Scotland), Richard Buckminster Fuller (United States), Peggy Buth (Germany), Vaast Colson (Belgium),?Contact Press Images (United States), Cherika Convents & Roger Steylaerts (Belgium), Patrick Corillon (Belgium), Josef Dabernig (Austria), Edith Dekyndt (Belgium), Luc Deleu & T.O.P. Office (Belgium), Simon Denny (New Zealand), Nico Dockx (Belgium), Marius Engh (Norway), Ninar Esber (Lebanon), Seamus Farrell (Irland/France), Geoffrey Farmer (Canada), Mounir Fatmi (France/Morocco), Daniel Faust (United States),?Gajaani (Sri Lanka), Pablo Garber (Argentina), HC Gilje (Norway), Adam Gillam (United Kingdom), Pedro G?mez Ega?a (Columbia), Nick Gooyvaerts (Belgium), Flaka Haliti (Kosovo), Albert Heta (Kosovo),?David Holloway (United States), IRWIN – Dusan Mandic, Mirian Mohar, Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek & Borut Vogelnik (Slovenia), Anne Szefer Karlsen (Norway), David Keating (Australia), Annette Kelm (Germany), Peter Kruger (Belgium), La Cantine Populaire – Elodie Carr? & Pascal S?mur (France), Luisa Lambri (Italy), Le Corbusier (France), Yuri Leiderman (Austria), Renzo Martens (the Netherlands),?Goto Masaru (Thailand), Gordon Matta-Clark (United States), Christine Meisner (Germany), Olaf Metzel (Germany), Danijela Micanovic (Russia),?Jerome Ming (Singapore), Andrei Monastyrski (Russia), Pavel Mrkus (Czech Republic), Andreas M?ller & Jesko Fezer (Germany), Fatmir Mustafa (Macedonia),?Swapan Nayak (India), Kate Newby (New Zealand),?Neo Ntsoma (South Africa), Roman Opalka (France), Els Opsomer (Belgium), Paul Otlet (Belgium), Jurgen Ots (Belgium), Ulrike Ottinger (Germany), Marko Peljhan (Slovenia), Falke Pisano (the Netherlands), Michelangelo Pistoletto & Cittadellarte (Italy), Potential Estate (Belgium), Florian Pumh?sl (Austria), Gert Robijns (Belgium), Ines Schaber & Stefan Pente (Germany), Juliaan Schillemans (Belgium), Dierk Schmidt (Germany), Florian Schneider (Germany), Stefan Schneider (Germany), Susan Sch?ppli (United Kingdom), Batoul Shimi (Morocco), Sister Corita (United States), Simon Starling (United Kingdom), Mladen Stilinovic (Croatia), Taller popular de serigraf? a (Argentina), Nahum Tevet (Israel), Hans Theys (Belgium), Koen Theys (Belgium), Jo?lle Tuerlinckx (Belgium), Nicolas Uriburu (Argentina), Kostis Velonis (Greece), Pieter Vermeersch (Belgium), Jeronimo Voss (Germany), Stelios Votsis (Cyprus), Silke Wagner (Germany).

University of Oxford, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Fellowship Program 2009/10

Posted on: 17/09/2008The University of Oxford offers a unique funded fellowship program for mid-career journalists at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. The fellowship scheme enables visiting journalists from across the world to do research in Oxford for a period of three to nine months. Fellows enjoy an opportunity to critically reflect upon their profession, to research a subject of their choice under the supervision of an Oxford academic specializing in that area and to enjoy the breadth of academic, cultural and social life at the University of Oxford. This is not a degree program but the chance for journalists to engage in academic research in their professional fields of interest.
For more information, please see?

Darryl D’Monte
Chairperson, Forum of Environmental Journalists of India (FEJI)
International Federation of Environmental Journalists (IFEJ)
Kinara, 29-B Carter Road, Bandra West,
Mumbai 400 050, India
Tel 91 22 2642 7088, 2645 9286
Cell: 98203 68872
Fax c/o 91 22 2645 8870

Bangladesh and India Fellowship projects.

The Knight International Journalism Fellowships
, a program of the International Center for Journalists, is seeking experienced journalists to lead projects that involve mentoring and training journalists. Candidates must have at least 10 years of experience in journalism and be fluent in the local language. The projects:
Bangladesh: The Fellow will work with mainly women who are print journalists to help them develop the skills they need to create television feature news stories. Criteria: Ten years of journalism experience required. Experience in broadcast journalism required. Fluency in Bangla/Bengali required. Previous training or teaching experience preferred.
India: The Fellow will work with journalists in India to improve understanding and coverage of the interaction between climate change and development and help develop programs and curricula that provide more and better environmental training to journalists. Criteria: Ten years of journalism experience required. Experience covering and knowledge of environmental and development issues required. Fluency in Hindi and/or Tamil preferred.
To apply, click on this?link:
Due to the volume of responses to Fellowship openings, we only respond
to candidates who meet the criteria.
For answers to questions about the program and application process, please contact?Emily Schult:
The Stop TB Partnership – a partnership hosted by the World Health Organization – has recently launched the “Images to Stop Tuberculosis” Photo Award.
The Award aims at obtaining outstanding photos depicting prevention and treatment of TB and community activity to raise awareness about it. Photographers are invited to submit their work for consideration. An international jury will select the winning photographer who will receive a grant to produce these photos, which will be exhibited at the Partners? Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in March 2009.
Kind regards,
Vittorio Cammarota
Celebrities and Special Events Officer
Stop TB Partnership Secretariat
World Health Organization
20, Avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Telephone: +41 22 791 5549
Mobile: +41 79 50 90 646
Fax: +41 22 791 4887
Dear Colleague,
What is crime? Photography Competition. Help us to challenge common sense thinking
The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies is proud to launch a new photography competition ‘What is crime?’ which seeks to explore how we view harm, crime and injustice. We are writing to ask you to consider incorporating this initiative into your classes or to encourage your students to take part. You may also be interested in participating yourself!
Launched today, the 18th September 2008, the ?What is crime?? photography competition seeks to challenge common sense thinking by seeking innovative submissions of images of ‘crime’ and the ‘criminal’. Violent events caused by businesses and the state; hidden violence against women, children and the elderly; the way in which poverty injures, hurts and kills; the impact of environmental pollution ? all of these rarely attract the same level of political and public concern as ?conventional? crime. So, rather than the usual law and order images of police, prison and judges, the competition invites entries which stimulate thinking about harm, injustice and crime ? around the themes of financial harm and inequality; environmental harm and; different forms of violence.
Open to members of the public, students and campaigners, amateur and professional photographers alike, the competition represents an innovative way of intervening in public debates about justice and will seek creative, moving or funny images. This is an opportunity for you and/or your students to contribute visuallyto this exploration of harm, crime and injustice.
Entry is via our?website only and closes on March 1st 2009. More information about the competition can be viewed here ? or to download a leaflet,?click here
As part of our wider ‘What is crime?’ initiative we are also publishing a series of briefing papers and holding a number of events; you may have come across our publication earlier this year by Professor Steve Tombs and Dr Dave Whyte on injuries at work was the first briefing (under the violence strand), and we’re also planning a lecture on structural violence and human insecurity to be given by Dr David Roberts early next year. We’re in the process of commissioning a number of other papers on environmental harm and financial harm.
Please feel free to pass this to any friends or colleagues you feel might be interested.
Best regards, Anna
Anna Gilmour
Competition Coordinator
Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
King’s College, London
Tel: 020 7848 1677
The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies at King?s College London is an independent charity that informs and educates about all aspects of crime and criminal justice. We provide information, produce research and carry out policy analysis to encourage and facilitate an understanding of the complex nature of issues concerning crime. We are a membership organisation working with practitioners, policy makers, academics and students, the media and voluntary sector, offering a programme of events, publications and online resources.

BJP International?Photography?Award
In partnership with the Association of Photographers
Sponsored by Spectrum Photographic & Canon
>?Introduction >?Enter >?Prizes >?Sponsors >?Past winners
BJP is calling for entries to its fourth International Photography Awards ? a juried competition with a total prize fund worth more than ?13,000 ($25,000/?16,500).
This year you have TWO chances to win a Canon EOS 5D camera kit ? each worth ?3250 ? because we?ve added a new single-image category.
As in previous years, we are calling on photographers with a substantial body of work to enter their series. The winner will be given a solo show at a leading London photography gallery, printed by one of Europe?s top fine art laboratories.
The winner of the new single-image category will be shown alongside. Both winners will also feature in British Journal of Photography.
Anyone of any country or any age can enter. We don?t dictate a theme. We just want to see your most compelling work.
Entry is ?20 (or $40 or ?27) for the series category, and ?5 (or $10 or ?7) per single image.
The deadline for entry to both competitions is 2pm, Thursday 02 October 2008
To enter a body of work
Submit a series of between 12 and 30 images on CD, together with an entry form and a fee ?20 (also payable in Euros or US dollars, priced ?27 or $40).
Images should be 20-30MB each, saved at RGB/CMYK tiffs (embedded colour profiles preferred). Please also include a contact sheet.
Cheques must be made payable to Incisive Photographic Ltd and the submission sent to British Journal of Photography, Incisive VNU, 32-34 Broadwick Street, London W1A 2HG.
??BJP International Photography Award entry form – Mircosoft Word (93 KB, DOC)
??BJP International Photography Award entry form – Adobe Acrobat (240 KB, PDF)
To enter a single image
You will be asked to submit the ?5 fee (also payable in Euros or US dollars, priced ?7 or $10) via PayPal and will then be able to upload a single image plus text and contact details.
Uploaded images should be 72dpi and exactly 900 pixels high/deep at this stage. However images should be available at 300dpi for exhibition at the AOP. Photographers are welcome to submit more than one image, but must pay and upload separately for each.

Ocean in Focus?Conservation Photography Contest!

A diver removes fishing gear that was tangled on a reef.
(? Amos Nachoum 2005)

SeaWeb’s Marine Photobank and?Project AWARE Foundation invite you to submit your compelling ocean themed photos to the?
Ocean in Focus?Conservation Photography Contest
, which opens on World Ocean Day, June 8th, 2008, and runs through September 30, 2008.
We invite your entries that engage viewers in the pressing marine issues and the solutions that will reverse the rapid decline of our ocean?s health. Learn More?>>

Grand Prize!
  • Seven nights accomodations at the?Plaza Resort Bonaire with six days unlimited shore diving for two, with Tuesday night beach BBQ and round-trip airport transfers??a total package worth approximately US $1,700.
  • A $250 Gift Certificate to?Backscatter Underwater Video and Photo.
  • A signed copy of?“Wild Ocean” by authors Dr. Sylvia Earle and Wolcott Henry.
  • Carbon Offsets through?NativeEnergy from your home and car for one year plus carbon offset for one round-trip air flight valued at US $192
  • And more!?>>

:: It Has Started! Labour Photo of the Year Contest
2008 marks the first (of many we hope) LabourStart Labour Photo of the Year Contest.
The worldwide popularity of the Trade Unions group on suggests that there are a lot of talented picket line and workplace photographers out there. LabourStart would like to both encourage and recognize those talents.
First prize is a two year Pro account on Runners-up shall receive a one year Pro account. The top
three photos will be featured on LabourStart and announced to the 54,000 trade unionists on our mailing list. They will also be displayed in the art gallery on the union island in Second Life.
In addition, LabourStart will work to place the winning photos with labour publications (online and paper)
worldwide. And of course it will be featured on LabourStart as our Photo of the Week.
This is a judged and voted competition.
First, photos entered in the contest will be posted on Flickr. Public comments on the photos will be welcomed. A panel of three distinguished trade union photogs will select the finalists.
The winners will then be selected by a vote open to anyone on the LabourStart mailing list. If you’ve participated in our Labour Website of the Year contest then you know how this works.
Panel: David Bacon, Gretchen Donart, Mac Urata.
1. You may only submit your own work.
2. Only one photograph per entrant.
3. Photos should be, very broadly, of union members in action. At work, in struggle…surprise us! They must have a caption explaining the image.
4. When posting your photo on Flickr you should indicate that a creative commons licence applies, allowing
LabourStart to use your photo for contest purposes and to publicize the contest.
5. Entrants may be required to disclose to LabourStart their contact information, including their real names, in order to be qualified. This information will be kept strictly confidential if requested.
6. Photos must be entered via Flickr. If you do not already have an account you can register at no cost at Once on Flickr you can upload your photos to your account. Then join the group you can find here: . Then, when you view the photo you want to enter in the contest click on the ‘send to group’ button along the top of your image. A list of the groups you are a member of while appear. Click on ‘Labour Photo of the Year’ and you will have entered!
It’s simpler than it sounds, really. And we’re not getting anything from Flickr for using them, we just think the contest, in addition to recognizing all that photographic talent out there, is a great way to build the Unions group already established there.
Photos must be in place on Flickr by midnight (CUT) on 22 September 2008 to be considered. Voting will start as soon as the judges have selected the finalists.
Contact Derek Blackadder at with any questions, including help in setting-up a Flickr account or in uploading and entering photos
Derek Blackadder
LabourStart Canada
Skype: dblackadder
The 6th HPA contest will begin to receive the submission of participating photos in mid September. We welcome your unique works! This contest will be distinct from the previous five in terms of its award ceremony featured with the Oscar suspense and its host city selected through an Olympic-style bidding process. We hope you will appreciate the new reforms and continuingly give great support to our HPA contest.
We are EAGERLY looking forward to hearing from all of you.
With best regards,
Shen Che
Chairman of?CFPA, Founder of HPA

VIDEOFORMES 2009: video competition, XXIVth New Media & Video Art International Festival, France
Application deadline: October 3, 2008
Dates: November 13- 15, 2008 VIDEOFORMES organizes a new media and video art festival where artists can present their multimedia installations, videos, and performances. For regulations & submissions, consult:Website: Works are to be sent with a submission form to: VideoFormes, B.P. 80411 ? 63011, Clermont-Ferrand, Cedex 1, France


Call for Artists: Liquid Cities and Identities Brooklyn, New York
This Video Art and Architecture event at the Micro Museum in Brooklyn will comprise screenings of videos or short films selected by International ArtExpo, a nonprofit organization that works with international galleries, publishers, museums, and writers, supporting artists through exhibitions, gallery representation, reviews, press releases and publicity, as well as various curatorial projects.
Participation is open to professional artists, architects and designers, associate groups and studios.
All video works must be on DVD (PAL or NTSC), with a preference given to a maximum of 15 minutes. Interested participants should send submissions (Name/Surname, City/Country, Film title, Running time, Brief film synopsis) with a CV/biography, videography and an introduction about the piece to:
Dates: September 27 & November 22, 2008 in Micro Museum
Application deadline: August 30 for Liquid Identities and October 15 for Liquid Cities Address: arch. Luca Curci, via Casamassima, 75, 70010 – Capurso (Bari) ? Italy. Info: E-mail:


29th Northern Counties International Salon of Photography 2008
We would like to extend an invitation to all photographers, worldwide, to submit entries into our Salon, and especially you and your friends as valued International Exhibitors.
As in previous years ALL sections in this event will be carried out under the patronage of both FIAP and PSA with the addition this year of patronage by the Royal Photographic Society (RPS). Medals and Awards have been granted by all three patrons as well as our own NCPF awards. A full colour catalogue will be sent to all entrants.
This year?s event is even larger than last year, with the merger of both our Prints and Projected Image Salons into one event.
There will be five sections:-
Monochrome Prints
Colour Prints
Open Projected Images (Dual Projection ? both Slides & Electronic Images)
Nature Slides
Photo-Travel Slides
The calendar for this year?s event is as follows:-
Closing date for all entries . . . . 27th September 2008
Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10th/18th October 2008
Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23rd October 2008
Catalogues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13th December 2008
All entries returned . . . . . . . . . 13th December 2008
Full details of all the rules and conditions of entry, together with Entry Forms can be found in the ?International Exhibition? pages of our?site.
The Entry Forms are interactive PDF forms, which you can complete on your computer before printing off a copy, to send in with your entry and entry fee.
Please Note:- There are SEPARATE forms for Prints and Projected Images, which must be sent to different addresses.
We look forward to receiving your entry, and perhaps also from your friends, to this prestigious event.
Best wishes,
Dave Coates
(For and on behalf of the International Sub-Committee of the NCPF)
Journalist fellowships to attend UN climate change summit in Poznan, Poland
The Climate Change Media Partnership (CCMP) will be providing climate change fellowships for journalists that will include the opportunity to report on the Climate Change Summit, in Poznan, Poland in December 2008.
If you are a working journalist from?Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America or the Middle East, in the electronic, print, radio or television media and have experience in reporting on development or environmental issues you may be interested in applying for this opportunity. If so please?email us and we will send you information about how to apply later this year.
The Climate Change Media Partnership (CCMP) regularly provides fellowships for journalists and brought 40 journalists to last year’s Bali Summit. The CCMP provided editorial support, daily briefings on the negotiations, a field trip, and a matchmaking service that linked journalists with negotiators, scientists, NGOs and indigenous people to interview. The journalists also attended a number of CCMP events such as the Media Clinic where 18 panel experts discussed topics such as biofuels, carbon trading and adaptation.
For more information about the CCMP and some comments from the journalists we took to Bali please see the following:
Climate Change Media Partnership website
Feature articles by previous fellows
MEA Bulletin article on CCMP

YouTube clips of journalists in Bali

Nature Climate Change Reports article on CCMP

Best wishes
Mike Shanahan
Press Officer?
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0DD, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7388 2117
Fax: +44 (0)20 7388 2826
To contract a co-ordinator to draw up an artistic proposal for the participation of Catalonia in the 53rd Venice Visual Arts Biennale (2009) in the Eventi collaterali Programme.
This artistic proposal must conform to the conceptual framework established in APPENDIX I of the conditions of the tender process.
The exhibition area will be one of the Magazzini del Sale, located in Dorsoduro with an area of 600m2.
The total budget for execution of the project is 500,000 euros.
The Panel of Judges will be made up of:
– Mr Manuel Borja-Vilell, chairman (director of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid)
– Mr Ignasi Aball?, (artist who participated in the international exhibition of the 2007 Venice Biennale)
– Ms Daniela Ferreti, (curator of the Palazzo Fortuny, Venice)
– Ms Marta Gili (director of the Jeu de Paume, Paris)
– Ms Chus Mart?nez, (director of the Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt and chief curator of the MACBA)
– Mr Vicente Todol?, (director of the Tate Modern, London)
The head of the Creation Area of the Institut Ramon Llull will be a member not entitled to vote.
The co-ordinator of the management of the Institute Ramon Llull will act as Secretary of the Panel of Judges.
Phases of the tender process
The project tender process will have three phases:
First phase: participation. The deadline for submitting proposals will be 12.00 on 2nd September 2008.
Second phase: ideas. The deadline for submitting the selected projects (a minimum of three and a maximum of five) will be 22nd September 2008. This phase will also involve a personal interview of the selected candidates which will take place on 26th September 2008.
Third phase: contracting. The successful candidate will be engaged to draw up the project which will be presented to the Venice Biennale Foundation in order to be considered for participation in the 53rd event. The deadline for submitting the project will be 3rd November 2008.
– 1,500 euros per participant in the ideas phase.
– 8,500 euros in fees for execution of the artistic project in 2008.
– 12,000 euros if the project is selected by the Biennale Foundation. The Institut Ramon Llull will engage the winner of the project tender process to develop and manage the artistic proposal during 2009.
For any questions please contact:?

Source:?Sahana Chaudhuri
Manager Projects East India
British Council
L & T Chambers 1st Floor
16 Camac Street
Kolkata 700 017
T: 4007 4310
BAF International Photographic Print Exhibition 2008
Press Release: 18-June-2008
The?Butterfly Art Foundation, India, a registered non-profit non-governmental organization based in Kerala, formed for the promotion of visual arts and conservation of Nature, is organizing its Third International Exhibition to show our respect for the genius of the artists and photographers all over the world .The first attempt in the year 2005 witnessed tremendous response from the photo-art community which resulted in the first ever traveling exhibition of that stature in Kerala .The second exhibition in 2006 surprised all of us with its plentitude of entries. This is our third exhibition and we invite all the photographers and artists to this grant international event. BAF International Photographic Print Exhibition is all set to be the largest display of International talent in India.
The exhibition is scheduled from 15th to 19th of November 2008 at Thrissur, the cultural capital of Kerala, India. The entries and filled up?forms should reach us before 30-Aug 2008.
The exhibition is organized with the purpose of initiating an international dialogue among different breeds and genre of photographers with special emphasis on providing an interdisciplinary platform for showcasing their creativity. Many prominent artists and photographers from India and abroad are expected to participate in the event.
The contest entries will be evaluated by an eminent jury chaired by veteran nature photographer TNA Perumal FRPS and coordinated by Dr.Unni Krishnan Pulikkal ARPS. All the A-grade winners will be selected for the awards, current exhibition and the one year long online exhibition that follows. For further details and entry form please visit the official web site of the Foundation or e-mail to or contact
The Butterfly Art Foundation
Pady P.O., Thrissur Dt.
Kerala- 680699.
-BAF Team

BAF India
Pady P.O., Thrissur District,
Kerala, India – 680699
Phone: 9446508102 (Director) 9447238243 (Coordinator)
Source:?Joydeep Mukherjee
From: Robert Pledge, President
W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund
Dear Photography Directors, Editors, Writers, Curators, Gallerists, Educators, Experts? and Photographers around the globe,
The?W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund wishes to remind all that call for submissions to its 2008 Grant in Humanistic Photography is still open for entries.
Application deadline for the coming W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography is July 15, 2008. Photographers interested in applying may
download an application at:
We hope you will spread the word by email to photographers in your communities and to emerging photographers who might still not be aware of the Grant.
The W. Eugene Smith Grant is presented annually to a photographer whose past
work and proposed project, as judged by a panel of experts, follows the tradition of W. Eugene Smith’s compassionate dedication exhibited during his 45-year career as a photographic essayist.
For 2008, the Smith Grant will be $30,000, with an additional $5,000 in fellowship money also to be given at the discretion of the jury. The Grant recognizes photographers who have demonstrated a commitment to documenting the human condition. The grant program is independently administered by the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund and is funded in part with contributions from Digital Railroad, Getty Images, The Mona Fund, and Open Society Institute.
Winners receive their awards in a ceremony held in New York City in October
One of the most prestigious honors in photojournalism, the Smith Grant was established in 1978 following the death of Smith, the legendary photo essayist, by his friends Howard Chapnick, Jim Hughes and John Morris to perpetuate his work and spirit. The grant program provides photographers with the financial freedom to envision and carry out major photographic studies.
Applicants must include a written proposal, which should be, concise, journalistically realizable, visually translatable and humanistically driven.
Applicants are also asked to provide a resum? of educational and professional qualifications along with evidence of photographic ability in the form of photographic workprints (8″x10″ prints preferred, and no more than 40), and/or photocopies, duplicate transparencies, contact sheets and clippings of published stories. Digital images will be considered only if delivered as low-resolution jpegs on a CD or DVD (no RAW files, TIFF files, or on-line applications).
The Smith Fund’s executive committee appoints a three-person jury each year
to review the applications and proposals. The jury meets twice, first to select finalists. The finalists are then asked to submit a comprehensive photographic portfolio, to write a more details and focused proposal and to answer questions about the project.
At their second meeting, the jury reviews the new material and selects the
grant recipient and the recipient of the additional fellowship. The recipient must warrant that the project in progress is ongoing, and agree to provide the Fund with a set of photographs when the project is completed. The photographs will be housed as part of the permanent W. Eugene Smith Legacy Collection at the ICP.
There is no entry fee. The application advises that preliminary material will be returned only when accompanied by appropriate packaging and sufficient U.S. postage or its equivalent in U.S. dollars or prepaid return Delivery Form by courier. The Fund is not responsible for loss or damage.
Please send all submissions to:
W. Eugene Smith Fund c/o ICP
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036 ? USA
For any and all questions?please email:
Past grant recipients:
Marc Asnin, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Letizia Battaglia, Ernesto Bazan, Ellen Binder, Pep Bonet, Chien-Chi Chang, Stephen Dupont, Carl DeKeyzer, Donna Ferrato, Maya Goded, Paul Graham, Stanley Greene, Graciela Iturbide, Alain Keler, Brenda Ann Kenneally, Gideon Mendel, Dario Mitidieri, James Nachtwey, Trent Parke, Paolo Pellegrin, Gilles Peress, Eli Reed, Eugene Richards, Cristina Garcia Rodero, Milton Rogovin, Sebasti?o Salgado, Vladimir Syomin, John Vink and Kai Wiedenh?fer.
International Advisory Committee
Shahidul Alam, Bangladesh; Micha Bar-Am, Israel; Gabriel Bauret, France; Giovanna Calvenzi, Italy; Woodfin Camp, USA; Lanfranco Colombo, Italy; Robert Delpire, France; James I. Enyeart, USA; Ben Fernandez, USA; Martin Forscher, USA; Marianne Fulton, Austin, USA; Paul Fusco, USA; Marta Gili, Spain; Burt Glinn, USA; Manfred Heiting, USA; Thomas H?pker, USA; Rune Jonsson, Sweden; Robert Kirschenbaum, Japan; Peter Korniss, Hungary; Eliane Laffont, USA; Brian Lanker, USA; Murray Martin, UK; Don McCullin, UK; Michelle McNally, USA; Susan Meiselas, USA; Vincent Mentzel, Netherlands; Pedro Meyer, Mexico.; Raghu Rai, India; Michael Rand, UK; Marc Riboud, France; Fred Ritchin, USA; Pedro Vasquez, Brazil.
ArtVenture, in association with ARTICLE 19, has proudly launched the inaugural?ArtVenture Freedom to Create Prize. The US$ 100,000 prize consists of three categories and is designed to recognise artists whose works promote human rights, free expression, empathy, equality and understanding. The prize is designed so that a portion of the prize monies from each category will be given to advocacy groups to further causes highlighted by the winning artists/entries.
Submission Opens: 9 June 2008 Entry Deadline: 31 October 2008
It would be much appreciated if you could forward the details of the prize to interested and relevant parties. If there are any outstanding artists or groups you would like to nominate, please visit?the official site for registration and entry details.
sent by:
Sailendra Kharel
CITY magazine is hosting it’s 2nd annual photography contest, with the
grand prize of appearing on CITY’s Fall ’08 Travel issue!
Photographers are asked to submit images that best capture a unique moment
in the life of a city or other travel destination. Entries should distill
the essence of a particular place into a single image and inspire CITY?s
readers to pack their bags and explore the destination themselves.
The deadline for submissions for the ONE CITY, MANY DESTINATIONS photo
contest is 11:59 p.m. EST on July 15, 2008.
A jury of internationally renowned photography and travel aficionados will
pick one winning image to appear on the cover of CITY’s Fall ’08 Travel
issue. The work of 15 additional runners-up will appear in a special
travel photography portfolio inside CITY’s Fall ’08 Travel issue.
The grand-prize winner will also receive a prize package that includes: An
Olympus E-3 SLR digital camera with an ED 12-60mm F2.8/4.0 SWD Lens and a
dream CITY photography assignment: The opportunity to shoot a
sponsored-editorial travel photography story on Austria’s art,
architecture, and design landscape for City’s 2009 Spring Travel issue.
During a week-long trip for two to Voralberg/Bregenz, Tirol/Innsbruck,
Salzburg, and Vienna, the grand-prize winner will explore the country’s
most stunning locations, their new Olympus cameras at the ready. The
Austrian Tourist Office will pick up the tab on the whole experience from
round-trip airfare and rooms at luxurious hotels to gourmet meals at top
All 15 runners-up will also win an Olympus E-420 SLR digital camera with a
14mm-42mm F3.5/5.6 Zuiko Digital Zoom Lens.
More info:
Lindsay Grystar
CITY Magazine
151 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012
phone (212) 965-9484 x37
fax (212) 966-3329
Wanted: Professional journalists from the developing world for ten-month fellowship in U.S.
The Humphrey Fellowship Program offers a ten-month stay at a leading American university to study journalism and undertake professional affiliations at top U.S. news organizations.
The non-degree program includes financial support for studies, travel, workshops and seminars, a monthly stipend, funds for books and a computer subsidy.
Fellows take classes in journalism, public affairs, government, or other fields of their choice. Humphrey Fellows from different professional fields are assigned to 15 different U.S. campuses. Most Humphrey journalists are assigned to the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland, one of the top journalism programs in the U.S. Fellows participate in field trips, workshops, lectures and many other offerings available in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area, only a 30-minute subway ride away. Fellows often use some of their professional stipend for travel within the U.S.
Applicants should have a minimum of five years of substantial professional experience, limited or no experience in the U.S., demonstrated leadership qualities and commitment to their communities. Most applicants have good English skills and university degrees.
To apply: Contact the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy or the Fulbright Commission in your home country.
Deadline: Varies by country, but usually June to September for the following year (Now for the 2009-2010 year.)
For more information: and/or

Darryl D’Monte
Chairperson, Forum of Environmental Journalists of India (FEJI)
International Federation of Environmental Journalists (IFEJ)
Kinara, 29-B Carter Road, Bandra West,
Mumbai 400 050, India
Tel 91 22 2642 7088, 2645 9286
& 3060 9014
Cell: 98203 68872
Fax c/o 91 22 2645 8870
Dag Hammarskj?ld Fellowships for Journalists 2008
Awards fellowships to mid-career journalists in radio, television, print,
and web. The journalists must be aged 25 to 35, from developing countries,
who are interested in coming to New York, United States, to report on
international affairs during the 63rd session of the United Nations General
Assembly. The fellowships will begin in mid-September and extend to late
November and will include the cost of travel and accommodations in New
York, as well as a per diem allowance.
International Journalism Exchange
Invites 10 newspaper editors to the United States (US) for a 5-week
programme, the core of which is 4 weeks at a US newspaper. The visiting
editors have opportunities to meet editors during a week-long visit to
Washington, DC, and then to observe all aspects of producing a newspaper
and managing a newsroom during a month-long stay with a newspaper; and they
are invited to exchange ideas and information with the host newsroom staff
and local community. The goals of this programme are to strengthen the
independent press abroad and to enhance US understanding of other cultures
and journalism around the world.
Deadline: June 1 2008
Festival Vid?Eau “Water, People, and Sustainable Development” Film

Invites young people worldwide, aged 17-30, to submit video clips,
90-seconds maximum in length, on the theme “Water, People, and Sustainable
Development”. The competition is intended to be an opportunity for young
people to tell the world how their history, culture, and daily lives are
closely linked to water. The winners of the competition will be announced
at an awards ceremony to be held during the World Youth Congress, taking
place in Quebec City, Canada, from August 10-21 2008.
Deadline: June 15 2008
Subject: Open Call for Submission Extend to 15 June 08 – Singapore International Photography Festival
Calling all photographers and artists!
Here’s your chance to be part of the first-ever Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF). Due to many requests, we have extended the open call submission dateline to 15 June 2008. You can also be part of the workshops and portfolio reviews and a series of public programmes organised as part of the festival.
Closing Date: 15 June 2008.
Photographers are free to submit their works as there is no fixed theme for the festival. All submissions will be reviewed by a distinguished selection panel comprising four curators, namely Chow Chee Yong (Singapore), Terence Yeung ( Singapore ), Wan Xi ( China ) and Ark Fongsmut (Thailand). Selected works will be displayed in the SIPF exhibitions and compiled into the festival publication.
Just submit your works to this inaugural photography festival by 15 June 2008
Application form and details
Exhibition Submission is open to all nationalities and no age constraints.
SIPF Photography Workshop and Portfolio Review are open to photographers holding Southeast Asia passports only.
About the Festival
The Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF) is the first biennial photography event of its kind in Southeast Asia . It strives to be the platform for Singaporean artists and Southeast Asian artists to showcase their outstanding works alongside with works of international peers.
Come October, the Singapore International Photography Festival (8 to 31 October 2008) will make its presence felt in Singapore . Over 600 photographic works will be displayed in four key venues including the National Museum of Singapore, LASALLE, The Arts House and 2902 Gallery in the Old School. There will also be workshops and portfolio reviews facilitated by curators and veteran photographers, and a series of evening and weekend presentations where foreign curators, artists and festival directors will share thoughts and ideas and discuss pertinent issues in the international photography scene.
The festival is organised by a group of volunteers and photography enthusiasts.
Festival Office: Old School, 11b Mount Sophia , #B2-09, S (228461).
Climate Change
The Earth?s plants and animals depend on the climate to which they are exposed ? they benefit when conditions are favourable, and they suffer when conditions become extreme. Humans are no exception. The crops and water resources that we use to sustain our communities are linked to the climate, and the economic as well as human losses that we experience from hail, cyclones, floods and droughts are a reminder of our ever-present vulnerability to the climate system. It is increasingly clear that our climate is changing. Whereas in the past humans have learned to cope with climate variability and change that was natural in origin, we are now living in a climate of our own making. The rate at which our climate is being transformed is unprecedented throughout much of human history.
FK Bangladesh Network invites submissions for a photography competition to curate a touring exhibition on the cause and effect of climate change in Bangladesh. The exhibition will be launched at Drik Gallery on the World Environment Day, 5 June, 2008.
THEME: Climate Change
Grand prize: Tk 30,000 with crest
and a certificate
2nd prize: Tk 20,000 with crest
and a certificate
3rd prize: Tk 10,000 with crest
and a certificate.
Selected photographers for the exhibition will also
receive certificates.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The submission must be original. Digitally manipulated photos will not be entertained. Photographers should submit prints/digital files (color or B/W) for judging. Selected photographers for exhibition will be asked to submit hi res file for making exhibition prints. Prints for contest should be 12 inches and digital files should be 800 pixels in longer side. Digital files should be submitted in CD/DVD accompanied by a softcopy (Microsoft word file) of the entry form. Entry form is available at Drik and at major photo labs. You can also create one by giving following information: Name, Address with telephone/mobile/email, Caption (max. 50 words). For prints, the entry form should be attached to the back of each photograph. Maximum number of photographs should be 5 per participant.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Photographs should be sent to Drik, House 58, Road 15A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209 by 25 May 2008, 5pm.
USE OF IMAGES: All entrants should understand that images selected for the exhibition may be used by the organizer in electronic and print publications for promotional purposes of the event. The photographer will be given due credit in such usages.
Tanvir Murad Topu
Gallery and Exhibition
Drik Picture Library
THE RORY PECK AWARDS 2008 sponsored by Sony UK Ltd Closing date for all entries: TUESDAY 2 SEPTEMBER 2008
This international competition is unique in celebrating the work of freelance cameramen and camerawomen in TV news, current affairs and features.
Now in its thirteenth year, this unique competition is reaching out to honour the work of freelance cameramen and camerawomen from around the world, especially those in regions where it is difficult to work as a freelancer.
Please support freelance newsgatherers and the work of the Rory Peck Trust by spreading the word as widely as possible and encouraging entries from Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and South Asia.
To enter download an?entry form
For further information please email?
Lucy Popescu, Awards officer
+44 (0)20 7730 1424
4th edition
November 23th – 28th 2008
Siem Reap – Cambodia
Dear all,
The Fourth Angkor Photography Festival will be held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from November 23rd to 28th, 2008. For the program of slideshows this year we are accepting works photographed worldwide, not just in Asia.To facilitate the selection committee?s job work should be uploaded to a (free) Flickr account at and the URL sent to my e-mail address,, accompanied by a clear description of the project and a short biography (maximum 120 words). Please note we do not accept single image submissions.
Work can also be submitted from Lightstalkers galleries, Digital Railroad or Photoshelter lightboxes etc. URL links to work must be direct links, i.e. no links to Flash-based websites.We are also accepting finished photographic multi-media pieces that are ready for projection. If available online, again please submit a URL link.
The deadline for submitting work is July 15th, 2008. Selected photographers will receive an answer during the month of August.
Best regards,
Fran?oise Callier
Instructions to open a flickr account
To open a free Flickr account you can either go directly to or login with an existing Yahoo account (Flickr is part of Yahoo). Upload your images at a minimum 1024 pixels across or vertical at 72 dpi. Images should be saved as Jpegs, at level 10 with Color profile in sRGB. Images that don?t respect those criteria will not be considered for selection.
After you upload: In your preferences (under the menu as ?Your Account?), go to the ?Privacy & Permissions? section and be sure to set your images to ?All rights reserved?.You can also add ? in your captions field. Flickr will automatically add any caption info from your Photoshop ?File Info? field but you can also change captions after you upload by going to your Flickr page and clicking on the caption box under any given image.
Once your images are uploaded go to the ?organize? section, choose ?Sets? and create a set of images of your submissions. Once that set is created, email the URL of that set (simply copy and paste) to
We invite artists to submit work for the 11th presentation of Le Mois de la Photo ? Montr?al, an international biennale of contemporary photography, that will take place in September 2009. All the exhibitions and activities will be organized around the theme?The Spaces of the Image?as proposed by 2009 Guest Curator Ga?lle Morel.?The Spaces of the Image?will explore the manner in which contemporary photography is presented and the multiplicity of ways in which it occupies gallery and other spaces.
Attached you will find a PDF guide with all the information necessary for submitting a proposal including a complete text regarding the theme, a list of required documents and the submission deadline. Please read this guide carefully before preparing your submission. The guide can also be downloaded from our Website at? Submissions that do not conform to these instructions will not be considered. The call for submissions will run from April 4 to May 5, 2008 inclusively.
The team at Le Mois de la Photo ? Montr?al


  1. Alam Bhai
    I am from sylhet,The president of sylhet photographic society
    thanks to you for the news of contest.I suppose ,your help may give us the correct attempt to share in the photo contest all over the world.
    Thanks again ………………………… Fakrul Islam

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