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  1. Partha Sengupta Partha Sengupta

    Dear Sir,
    I had seen your images over the web and had an opportunity to see you there at the recently held photo festival at Delhi.
    Just got the opportunity about this blog and want to subscribe, unfortunately the link provided for subscribing is not working
    So help me out for the subscription.
    Thanks and regards,

  2. Dear Mister Alam,
    I don’t think my writing is relevant for your blog, but I couldn’t reach you on youre website. Please, I would be gratefull if you can find time to read my question.
    Dear Mister Alam,
    Recently I saw information about you on a Dutch news website. The first thing I noticed is, that you come from Bangladesh. For me Bangladesh is the name of the country where I was born. Besides the western view of Bangladesh I know little to nothing about your country. I’ve been there once as a tourist, but I did not have the feeling that I got to know the country and her citizens.
    I was adopted to the Netherlands and a few years ago I started to experience the effect of loss of my (biological) mother, who I never met since she died when I was born. The feeling was intense and the effect of this experience of grief is that I suddenly felt more freedom to feel and experience things around me. Becoming more aware of myself so to say.
    Facts tell me I?m a Dutch citizen and have all the things I materially could wish for. But the other reality is that I feel the need to look for my biological family; If not my parents, maybe a sister and other relatives, like an uncle.
    Being a human right activist, I can imagine, that the stories people tell you are much more serious than mine, but if you can spare some time I would be grateful if you could be of any assistance, due to the fact of your understanding and managing? to find your way in Bangladesh administration.
    Can you tell me to what organisation ? public or private ? I can contact to support me to find my biological family, if there are any?
    Maybe it is possible for you to assist me by informing me about the necessary contact details. Or maybe you have any advice where I should start or work from to fulfill my wish to reconnect with my origin.
    Thank you so much in advance for taking the time to read this email.
    Kind regards,
    Rani Wierda

  3. Rani Wierda Rani Wierda

    Dear mister Alam,
    Last February I contacted you about my search for biological family in Bangladesh. On your request I sent you some details from my adoption file. I would kindly like to ask you whether you have succeeded in obtaining any further information that can be helpful in my search.?I’ve would have send you this by email, but the email came back?
    Yours sincerely,
    Rani Wierda

  4. Dear Rani,
    While road and telephone numbers at Dhanmondi have all changed, there is no “Inter Country Child Adoption Project” in the old address either. I have made enquiries, but I suspect this will be a long drawn out investigation. Few records in Bangladesh go back to the seventies.
    Please don’t give up hope. I shall keep trying.

  5. Sir,
    Just FYI, my Firefox browser doesn’t seem to trust the link for subscribing.
    This could be a temporary lapse of identifying information for the site, or an error, or anything. I don’t know.
    I’ve tried it a couple of times.
    This is what it tells me:
    This Connection is Untrusted
    ?You have asked Firefox to connect
    securely to, but we can’t confirm that your connection is secure.
    Normally, when you try to connect securely,
    sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are
    going to the right place. However, this site’s identity can’t be verified
    What Should I Do?
    If you usually connect to
    this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is
    trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn’t continue.
    Technical Details uses an invalid security certificate.
    The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed.
    The certificate is only valid for *
    (Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)
    I was able to subscribe through My Yahoo. Based on your article about Rafael Correa and the photography I’ve seen I look forward to following you.
    Frank Conway
    Albuquerque, NM, USA

  6. Hello and thank you for the site, your photographers are well represented. In fact we have linked you site from given your mention of the special recognition grant awarded to AKM Shehab Uddin.
    Mr. Uddin’s original prints from Amarao Manush: Pavement Dwellers are offered at Thank you for your work.?

  7. Maisha Maisha

    Dear Mr. Alam,
    I sent you an email a few days ago regarding a photo competition organised by myself, asking you to be one of the judges. We would really appreciate your expertise. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you.

  8. Hello Shahidul Alam,
    As a technical editor, I am working on various papers on the topic of social justice. You have been credited as the source of the term “majority world” to replace, e.g., “third world”. I’d like to be able to provide a citation, where appropriate. Please, if you have a publication or any published material where you introduce this term, would you send me the reference here as a follow-up? Thank you.

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