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The application process is open to all professional photographers who have participated in a World Press Photo competition between 2008 and 2012. The grant is intended to support a photographer in completing an existing project on a human rights theme. Read more about the 2012 grant in the?press release.
Human Rights Watch, WPP partner in the?Tim Hetherington Grant, defines ‘human rights’ in the following way: “At the very heart of a human rights issue or theme lies the critical factor of responsibility – some government, rebel group, institution, or individual is responsible for what is happening.”
Timeline for applications

  • Call for applications: 8 October
  • Deadline: 15 November
  • Selection: 7-8 December
  • Recipient announced: 10 December

To apply for the grant, download the?PDF application form, fill it in, and email it to?
After WPP have reviewed and approved your application, you will receive further instructions on how to proceed with your application.

Published inHuman rightsPhotographyPhotojournalism

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