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PROOF?s Award for the Emerging Photojournalist

Announcing PROOF?s Award for the Emerging Photojournalist

 About the Award

PROOF knows that emerging photojournalists want to do meaningful projects related to human rights and social justice issues but oftentimes don?t have the funds or connections to do so. For this reason, we?re offering an award to help an emerging photojournalist jumpstart their project by providing funding and support from the media community.
For this award, we have put together a panel of judges including: Leora Kahn, Executive Director of PROOFEd Kashi of VII, Amy Yenkin from the Open Society Foundations, and Ann Friedman, Executive Editor of GOOD.
The selected photojournalist will receive USD $2500 to put toward their project. The final three candidates will have their work showcased through GOOD. Second and third place finalists will also have the opportunity for a portfolio review with Jamie Wellford of Newsweek.