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Tag: Big Data

The Human Face of Big Data

Big data gets its own book

Rick Smolan, the man behind the “Day in the Life” books, dispatches an army of photographers and researchers to capture how data is changing the world. 

During the first day of a baby’s life, the data generated by humanity is 70 times the information contained in the Library of Congress.
(Credit: Catherine Balet; from “The Human Face of Big Data.”)
Russel John has spent almost twenty years helping in the search for life on other planets. He uses his computer to plug himself into a network of enthusiasts that participate in this hunt. Dhaka. Bangladesh. ? Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority World

Big data, one of tech’s biggest buzz phrases of the moment, is about to get its own book. Fittingly, a really big, 7.5-pound book.