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Tag: Al Gore

Naomi Klein on Capitalism and Climate Change

November 15, 2012

The Shock Doctrine?author Naomi Klein joins Bill to discuss hurricanes, climate change and democracy.

BILL MOYERS: Welcome. The Sherlock Holmes of money in politics — Trevor Potter — is here with some clues to what the billionaires and super PACs got for their lavish spending in the most expensive election in our history. In a nutshell: “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
But first, if you’ve been curious about why New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg endorsed Barack Obama for re-election, just take another look at the widespread havoc caused by the Frankenstorm benignly named Sandy. Having surveyed all this damage?Bloomberg Business Week?concluded: ?It?s Global Warming, Stupid: If Hurricane Sandy doesn’t persuade Americans to get serious about climate change, nothing will.”