Residencies in France and abroad: Musee de Quai Branly

artistic creation subsidy program in France and abroad

Simultaneously a museum, a cultural center, and a place for research and teaching, the mus?e du quai Branly was born from the political desire to highlight non-European cultures.
The museum has taken on a dynamic, open proposition as its slogan: ?where cultures meet in dialogue.? This idea is the driving force behind most of the Museum?s lines of action: cultural programming, disseminating and sharing knowledge and expertise with the cultures originating the collections, international cooperation, and making the collections available to others.
With a view towards the non-European contemporary creation, in particular in the plastic arts and photography from these four continents ? Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas ? the mus?e du quai Branly has implemented since 2008 an artistic creation subsidy program. Entitled ?Les R?sidences de Photoquai? (Photoquai?s Residencies, ex-?artistic creation projects?), it is related to the?Photoquai?photo biennial.
Every year, this program gives one or several non-European contemporary artists the chance to submit a creative project related to the mission of the mus?e du quai Branly, ?where cultures meet in dialogue?, and coherent with a personal aesthetic path.
The photographic works created so far all contribute to a testimony of a different outlook on the world. For the artists, it is an out-of-place residency that can take them closer or further: some stayed in their own countries, others came to Paris or travelled to wherever it was they had chosen to execute their project. For the audience, it is yet another occasion to discover a personal artistic work, whilst receiving news about contemporary creation in the countries where the collections of the mus?e du quai Branly originated.
The project developed should be within the continuity of a personal artistic career. The ?residency? doesn?t consist of a long-term stay in Paris, unless the artistic project is anchored in France. The program?s aim is to show??elsewhere seen from elsewhere?. ?Elsewhere? can consist of a theme, a country, a people, an artifact, or part of the mus?e du quai Branly?s collections.
The Residency?s primary interest should be photographic, beyond any documentary or ethnographic aspects.


2013 Call for application

Download application package until May 31st, 2013, deadline for application submission (postmail only).
Complete application package
Application form only
Application packages must be sent or left at the following address:
R?sidences de Photoquai, Direction du d?veloppement culturel
mus?e du quai Branly, 222 rue de l’Universit?, 75343 Paris Cedex 07 FRANCE


previous laureates


Lek Kiatsirikajorn?(Thailand),?Lost in Paradise, residency in Thailand
Che Onejoon?(South Korea),?A Monumental Tour, residency in Africa
Hugo Aveta?(Argentina),?Construire la m?moire, residency in South America
see 2012 laureates


Joao Castilho?(Brazil),?Vade retro, residency in Brazil
Hak Kim?(Cambodia),?Someone, residency in Kep, Cambodia
Andrew Esiebo?(Nigeria),?Pride, residency in West Africa


Cinthya Soto?(Costa Rica),?Paysage (re)trouv? : ? la recherche du paradis perdu,?residency in South America
Fiona Pardington?(New-Zealand),?Whakaahua : The pressure of Sunlight falling, residency in Paris
Roberto Caceres?(Peru),?Chifa, Chinese culture in Peru, residency in Peru


Pablo Bartholomew?(India),?Indians in France, residency in France
Wayne Liu?(Taiwan),?This is Belgrade, residency in Serbia


Sammy Baloji?(Congo Democratic Republic),?Allers et retours, residency in France
Lourdes Grobet?(Mexico),?Equilibrium and Resistance, residency in Alaska
Wu Qi?(China),?Rural Catholic China, residency in China
see 2008 laureates
quai Branly museum

37, quai Branly
75007 Paris
T?l. : 01 56 61 70 00
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