Dear Friends,
Thank you for the incredible support you have provided over these years. We have for a long time been exploring ways to take this remarkable organisation to the next level and ensure its sustainability. Finding the right person has not been easy. We needed someone who would be able to deal with the creative and social aspects of Drik, but also able to steer it towards financial viability. This has been a tall order. But we have finally found someone to take over this challenging job.
Saiful Islam is one of the most successful CEOs in the history of Bangladesh. While he comes from a very different sector, I am convinced that Saif himself has both the business skills as well as the vision and social ethos necessary to guide this organisation. He has also been a long time friend and supporter of Drik. As such we have decided to offer him the post of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Drik starting the 1st April 2012. He will be shuttling between London and Dhaka and will also look after our interests in the UK, in the form of Drik UK and Majority World. I will continue as managing director, but will have a somewhat altered area of responsibility.
Change is never without problems. I hope you will provide him the same generosity that you have provided me over the years. With your support and with the experience that Drik has on the ground and the excellent goodwill we have generated, I am sure Saif will help Drik reach greater heights.
Shahidul Alam

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