NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati
NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati, photo.circle
Presentation: ?Retelling histories; creating an archive for family photo albums in Nepal? by Nepal Picture Library
Monday, 28 January, 11AM, EMK Center
In 2007, NayanTara co-founded photo.circle; a photography collective that has created a vibrant platform for emerging and professional photographers in Nepal. photo.circle offers Nepali photographers learning opportunities through workshops and creates space for photographers to exhibit, publish and market their work in Nepal, the region and internationally.
Visit NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati?s website:?http://www.nayantara.com.np/
Visit photo.circle?s website:?http://www.photocircle.com.np/
Chobi Mela blog
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