Long March to Dhaka

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqWSROBHJuQ The video might not be visible to everyone, a translation of the transcript is below:

Dear Citizens of Bangladesh,

Bangladesh is going through a highly distressing time. According to the verified news we have of today, Awami League (AL) and Jubo Leauge (JL) criminals have shot and stabbed to death more than 30 students [The figure is rapidly increasing, now (23:00) estimated at 96. editor’s addition]. We are yet to find out what the numbers will stand at the end of the day.

In light of this, we have taken an emergency decision: we have decided to bring the ‘Long March to Dhaka’, which was scheduled for the 6th of August 2024, ahead of the 5th of August 2024, i.e. tomorrow.

We are, therefore, requesting all freedom-seeking citizens of Bangladesh to head to Dhaka to join our march for liberation.

We request those living in districts near Dhaka to immediately start for Dhaka, as soon as you can and reach Dhaka by tonight if possible.

To those residing in cities outside of Dhaka – we request you to use the mosques’ mikes/loudspeakers to announce this news far and wide and let people know to make their way to Dhaka. Please bring every single person you can – this fight is the penultimate fight for us, and we are ready for the penultimate announcement.

With the goal of marching towards Gono Bhobon (residence of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh), we request you all to come to Dhaka.

I do not know if the Student Movement Coordinators will remain alive after tonight, but we are leaving you all with this responsibility.

We hope you will obliged to come to Dhaka of your own accord, considering this as an obligation of yours, and the day after tomorrow, we will all start for Gono Bhobon from all directions.

We are terrified as we observe that Bangladesh Chatro League (BCL) and Jubo League (JL), and goons of Awami League are using police weapons to carry out attacks on students and civilians.

In a glimmer of hope, the Army, in various parts of the country, have shown solidarity and are standing with the students. However, in other parts, like Mirpur and Mohammadpur, they are shooting at students.

We are requesting the Army to remember that your duty as Army and citizens of Bangladesh is to safeguard the wellbeing of the people of Bangladesh and so we request you to stand by Bangladesh and the people of Bangladesh- not for a tyrant, and murderous government, nor for any political party. This is the hope that the country has from the Army.

We request you, the Army, to either keep a neutral stance and stand with us, the student protesters, in unconditional solidarity or help us defeat the murderous forces of this government and bring them to justice.

In relation to the curfew that the government has declared, we want to state the following clearly: if the Army takes to the streets to follow orders on executing the curfew, it will be as if the Army is officially declaring its position against the students.

We do not want the Army to fall into the trap that the government is creating in an attempt to pit the Army against the people of Bangladesh. We want to believe and hope that the Army will not fall into this trap.

Although Awami League has deployed all its murderous forces today, they have still failed to sustain in the face of the students’ resistance.

Upon being defeated, the tyrant forces on the streets of the country have been trying to use the Army against us, the students- we must defeat this scheme.

And once again, tomorrow, please use the mosque microphones to make the announcements of our March to Dhaka, and begin your journey towards Dhaka.

Please bring at least one member from each family as a representative to this march to witness this history in the making of a new Bangladesh and to volunteer for this uprising of a new Bangladesh. Thank you to you all.


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