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Tag: Sudharak Olwe

From the Berlin Wall to the Twin Towers

Pathshala requests the pleasure of your company at the presentation by Robert Pledge ?on 1961-2001: From the Berlin Wall to the Twin Towers – History and Photojournalism ? parallel developments.
Schedule of the lecture session
Date: 28th March 2012
Time: 6:45pm
Venue: Pathshala.

View into East Berlin during construction of Berlin Wall. August 1961. ??Don McCullin/Contact Press Images

?1961-2001: from the Berlin Wall to the Twin Towers? focuses on major international events, trends, and issues that developed throughout the world between the rise of the Berlin Wall on August 13, 1961 ? a wall that would for 28 years symbolize the East-West?s ?Cold War? deep divide opposing communism to capitalism ? and the fall of New York?s World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 ? that marks the start of the then coined??War on Terror.?