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Tag: presidential clemency

An end to all conspiracy theories…

by rahnuma ahmed

Bangladesh Awami League President and former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina (R) talks to Zillur Rahman (L), a senior party member, as she arrives at a news conference in Dhaka December 31, 2008. Hasina said she was willing to share power with the disgruntled opposition after winning a massive majority in Bangladesh's parliamentary election. ?REUTERS/Andrew Biraj (BANGLADESH) 

I am sooo relieved. Sagar and Runi’s killers have been found.
I am sooo happy. The president has revoked the clemency he’d awarded to Biplab, convicted killer from Laxmipur, it means his life sentence is no longer reduced to ten years, he’ll have to serve the whole term. Ha-ha. Not only that, the president has gone further back, he has withdrawn the earlier pardon in the other murder case, where Biplap had gotten the death sentence. Which means Biplab won’t go scot-free for having killed Nurul Islam. Justice is finally being done! An end to party political machinations, of rewarding thuggery and killing just because they belong to the ruling party.


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But, will the people forgive the President..?

By rahnuma ahmed

The president has granted clemency to AHM Biplob, son of Laxmipur ruling party leader Abu Taher, a death row inmate, convicted of kidnapping and murdering advocate Nurul Islam on September 18, 2000, who was then organising secretary of Laxmipur BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party).
But will the people forgive the President? This is the question that grips politicians, lawyers, intellectuals and activists as they discuss and debate, that arouses common people’s passions as they argue and pass judgment, even those who are opposed to the death penalty in principle, as I am. The ruling party’s electoral pledge to establish the rule of law now rings hollow. Absolutely. Finally.
Since July 14, when presidential clemency was granted to Biplob.
Ruling party leaders insist that president Zillur Rahman has acted in accordance with his constitutional powers. Part IV, section 49 says, “The President shall have [the] power to grant pardons, reprieves and respites and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence passed by any court, tribunal or other authority.”
But surely presidential pardons must necessarily be exercised with discretion? With caution? Only in cases where there is reasonable ground to assume that a miscarriage of justice has occurred? To prevent it from happening?
That, however, is not the case. The truth can no longer be hidden. It has been exposed as it was bound to, revealing the corrupt arrogance of ruling party talking heads who prove yet again to be blind to the absolute misery of common people devastated ever more by killings. By senseless road accidents.? By sexual assaults,?rapes, mob attacks leading to deaths. By extra-judicial killings.