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Tag: Margaret Thatcher

When the lady ?not for turning?, turned

An insight into the realities of politics and the difference between what politicians say and what they do. By a journalist who knows more about politicians than most. Ed.

By Alan Hart?April 9, 2013

Margaret Thatcher
The news of the death of Britain?s Iron Lady, Baroness Thatcher, prompted me to recall my favourite story about her. In 1980, in the first of her three terms as prime minister, she said in a speech to her Conservative Party?s Conference: ?You turn if you want to. The lady?s not for turning.? Because I was personally engaged with her at the time, I know that she performed her first U turn in her first 48 hours of being prime minister.

Naomi Klein on Capitalism and Climate Change

November 15, 2012

The Shock Doctrine?author Naomi Klein joins Bill to discuss hurricanes, climate change and democracy.

BILL MOYERS: Welcome. The Sherlock Holmes of money in politics — Trevor Potter — is here with some clues to what the billionaires and super PACs got for their lavish spending in the most expensive election in our history. In a nutshell: “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
But first, if you’ve been curious about why New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg endorsed Barack Obama for re-election, just take another look at the widespread havoc caused by the Frankenstorm benignly named Sandy. Having surveyed all this damage?Bloomberg Business Week?concluded: ?It?s Global Warming, Stupid: If Hurricane Sandy doesn’t persuade Americans to get serious about climate change, nothing will.”