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What Happened When My Son Wore A Pink Headband To Walmart

Katie Vyktoriah

Katie Vyktoriah?Huffington Post

Stay-at-home mom and blogger,

This is Dexter. He is 2 years old. He loves to be Batman and Superman and Spiderman. He’s a real boys’ boy. He pretends he is flying, and he captures the baddies who threaten us.
He is the sweetest little troublemaker you’ll ever meet.
Some other things you might like to know about Dexter:
He is a fabulous big brother. He was a later bloomer vocabulary-wise. He used to be terribly shy but has recently begun to come out of his shell. He loves new people and enjoys greeting them with a big “HI!” when he meets them.
His favorite color is pink. He loves Dora the Explorer. He has been known to wear my skirt as a dress, and he delights in cuddling with his mama.