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Tag: Dominique Browning

In Love With My Planet

Dominique Browning spoke with Sebasti?o Salgado, the legendary documentary photographer and author, about the inspiration for his forthcoming book??Genesis.? ?The New York Times Sunday Review

Sebasti?o Salgado/Amazonas – Contact Press Images from “Genesis” (Taschen, 2013) Bats on tamarind trees in the Berenty Reserve in Madagascar, 2010.

These beautiful photographs are so different from your previous work. Tell me about that.

Russia, 2006 A tundra valley extends between Tolbachik and Kamen volcanoes in the Kamchatka Peninsula. A line of clouds separates a 2,600-foot crater from the huge base of Kamen volcano, which rises 15,000 feet above sea level.
Russia, 2006 A tundra valley extends between Tolbachik and Kamen volcanoes in the Kamchatka Peninsula. A line of clouds separates a 2,600-foot crater from the huge base of Kamen volcano, which rises 15,000 feet above sea level. Sebasti?o Salgado/Amazonas ? Contact Press Images from ?Genesis? (Taschen, 2013)

They are different, but in the end, they come around to the same place. They have the same message. We are living in a very special moment, when the effect of everything we are doing to our world is accelerating. If we do not pay attention now, we will be facing catastrophe. A big red light should be blinking in all our brains.