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Tag: culutre

Positive Light: Bangladesh by Bangladeshis

This lovely book is now available at Drik
This lovely book is now available at Drik

Visit our crowdfunding site — your support will help this fledgling project get off the ground.
Photography is many things. It?s a tool of fine art, an expression of scientific innovation and a vehicle of creativity. But ultimately, it is storytelling where photography harnesses its full potential. Because it is so powerful, it has also been used to stereotype people and meet certain agendas.
In our work at Drik, we are extremely sensitive to the way photography of Bangladesh has been used to propagate a western imperialist and colonial view of the world and more recently the developmental paradigm. But such perceptions actually represent a very narrow view of Bangladesh. The fact that it is a country rich in culture, art and heritage is something rarely heard of in the outside world. At Drik, we believe this perception stems from the monopoly on storytelling of the South that the West has had for so long. And it is local photographers who will challenge that most effectively.

Insider, Outsider?

Photography that challenges perceptions of the developing world

‘Insider, Outsider?? is Majority World?s first UK exhibition?featuring 17 photographers from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East sharing critical, thoughtful and intimate stories close to home.The exhibition is open for 3 weeks from July 3-22. E invite to show (please RSVP).

What makes a photographer different??Camera manufactures would have us believe?it is their latest model, perhaps a fancy lens.?Others will cite prestigious awards, or?acceptance in galleries. A grandmother in a?village in Bangladesh, a teenage rapper in?South Africa or a tin miner in Bolivia will?differ. These accolades will have little?meaning to them. Surprisingly, not even the?photographer?s nationality, or the colour of?her skin, or the language she speaks will?greatly affect their judgment, though all of?these will matter.