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Tag: C&A

The cost of cheap clothes

The burnt out corpses of the sewing machines all laid out in a grid, had the appearance of a graveyard. For many of the workers at Tazreen Fashions, that’s exactly what it was. Nischintopur. Savar. Dhaka. Bangladesh. 3rd December 2012. ? Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority World

Bales of cotton on either side of the stairs were in flames that workers had to go through to escape the fire. Nischintopur. Savar. Dhaka. Bangladesh. 3rd December 2012. ? Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority World

Stairs on either side of the huge hallway were the only exits to the factory. Nischintopur. Savar. Dhaka. Bangladesh. 3rd December 2012. ? Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority World

Fighting Hopelessness Amid Ashes

by James Estrin New York Lens Blog

“Pardon me, my dear, I am going to die,” Jelekha Begum’s husband said in a last phone call from the burning factory he was trapped in on Saturday. The fire, at Tazreen Fashions factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh, killed more than 100 workers. ??Taslima Akhter

Taslima Akhter was overcome with emotion when she arrived at the Tazreen Fashions garment factory on the outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Sunday evening, four hours after?fire tore through the building. She watched firefighters battle the blaze ? which killed at least 112 people?? as throngs of workers and family members waited to see if their loved ones?had survived.