Category: 1971

  • ROMEL CHAKMA II: Is custodial killing heroic?

    by rahnuma ahmed Official versions conflict about why Romel Chakma – a 20-year old HSC examinee and student leader of the Pahari Chatra Parishad – was picked up by the army, whether he was transferred from army to police custody while in Naniachar, whether his admission to, and 2-weeklong treatment at, the Chittagong Medical College…

  • Reply to Arundhati: Yes, We Will Rise

    Dearest Arundhati, It was a letter I read and reread long before it appeared before my eyes. It was through layers of metal bars that I strained to listen to Rahnuma’s words. At over 130 decibels, the noise made by us screaming prisoners, straining to hear and be heard, was akin to a crowded stadium…

  • Justice for Shahidul Alam

    By Mahfuz Anam: The Daily Star Who is this man whose arrest has sparked outrage and condemnation from global bodies and media, including Amnesty International, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), PEN International, SAMDEN (South Asia Media Defenders Network) and publications such as the Guardian, The Washington Post and many South Asian media? He is one…

  • Shifting the Lens

    Shahidul Alam’s radical ways of seeing Bangladesh KAAMIL AHMED 06 December 2018 The Caravan On the night of 5 August, a couple of dozen men turned up at the photographer Shahidul Alam’s house in Dhaka. They dragged him from his apartment, bound and screaming, smashing surveillance cameras on the way out. Alam’s partner, Rahnuma Ahmed, was…

  • ROMEL CHAKMA. PART-I: Is custodial killing heroic?

    by rahnuma ahmed Romel Chakma, 20 year-old HSC examinee and student leader of Pahari Chatra Parishad, was picked up by army personnel on April 5, 2017. Allegedly tortured, he died in hospital two weeks later. Romel Chakma ? Photographer not known. How does one restore dignity to the memory of a youth who was picked up…


    ‘Go back NTPC, get out India’ rahnuma ahmed Of all the slogans raised in protest against the coal power plant being built at Rampal in Bagerhat, this one’s the best.

  • What Joy Bangla means today

    Originally published in New Age By Shahidul Alam Joy Bangla in those days had not been commandeered by any political party. It was a slogan we all used. Some took it more to heart than others. I was on a rickshaw heading towards mejo chachi’s house, (she is mother of my footballer cousin Kazi Salahuddin,…

  • Rare and Unseen photographs of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from the Drik archives

    A self-taught photographer with a strong sense of humour Rashid Talukder received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Chobi Mela international photography festival in Dhaka, in 2006. His images of the war of liberation of Bangladesh and the political events leading up to it, are the most comprehensive visual documentation of Bangladesh’s political history on record. Rashid Talukder handed…

  • Protecting Freedom of Expression in Bangladesh

    Following is the English translation of the statement made by academics, writers, women?s rights, human rights and cultural activists, including freedom fighters, on December 18, 2014 regarding the conviction and sentencing of British journalist David Bergman by the International Crimes Tribunal-2, in Dhaka. The statement was published in Prothom Alo, the largest Bangla daily, the…

  • Tolerating Death in a Culture of Intolerance

    Another blogger. Ananta Bijoy Das, murdered today. Police too busy beating up students to notice: ———————————————————————————————————- Tolerating Death in a Culture of Intolerance | Economic and Political Weekly. COMMENTARY Economic & Political Weekly EPW MARCH 21, 2015 vol l no 12 11 by?Shahidul Alam The daylight murder of Bangladeshi blogger Avijit Roy in Dhaka on…