Shahidul Alam The optics were poor. Until recently, the new…
09নভে.2024রুম্মানা জান্নাতটাইপ:ওয়াজ/ভাষণpermalink শহিদী তামান্না – ইয়াহিয়া সিনওয়ার Featured [এমন একটা সময়…
https://www.newagebd.net/post/new-age-specials/245038/whats-in-a-selfie SELFIES are not my speciality. I also tend to…
Golam Kasem Daddy Lecture by Nurul Kabir on the 35th…
I was there with the students. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/09/04/bangladesh-students-revolution
Rikshawala Doridro Moniruddin speaks about the lack of representation of…
সীমান্তের হাতিবান্ধায় সংখ্যালঘু হিন্দুদের দেশত্যাগের ‘হিড়িক’:একটি অনুসন্ধানী প্রতিবেদন People of…
For days, the streets of the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, have…
NPR’s Ailsa Chang spoke with Shahidul Alam, a photojournalist, writer…
Riksha puller Mohammad Faridul Islam talks about aspirations for new…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqWSROBHJuQ The video might not be visible to everyone, a…
Shahidul Alam 25 July 2025 The denial of repression in…
Sheikh Hasina, a long standing member of the tyranny club…
Bruised, Battered, Targeted, Undaunted: Bangladesh’s Students Will Not Bow https://thewire.in/south-asia/bangladesh-quota-reform-protesters-insider-account
A Liturgy of LamentRev. Dr. Munther IsaacEvangelical Lutheran Christmas Church…