Searching for Kalpana Chakma

A Photo-Forensic Study

Part of the “No More” public awareness campaign of Drik.

Let me ask a silly question, my partner Rahnuma had said. “But isn’t it all in your imagination” Of course it was. The images I’d created, while based upon complex scientific procedures, did not ‘prove’ anything. The objects I had photographed, while silent witnesses, had not ‘seen’ the crime. The artifacts, interviews, videos and photographs I was presenting were not ‘evidence.

Magnfied view of leaf at bazaar where Kalpana and Major Ferdous had an altercation shortly before her disappearance. Photo: Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority World
Magnfied view of leaf at bazaar where Kalpana and Lieutenant Ferdous had an altercation shortly before her disappearance. Photo: Shahidul Alam/Drik/Majority World

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